The Rise Of Amazing James Crawford
The Rise Of Amazing James Crawford
Author: Samcowrites
Chapter One

The dazzling morning sunlight radiated through the curtains, as a tall muscular figure with a hassle jawline, and curly hair walked out of the bathroom basking in delight. It was James Crawford.

He dashed for the bed, scrubbing his wet hair with a sparkling white towel on his hands. On the bed was a neatly ironed plain pair of trousers and a white T-shirt.

He let out a deep sigh and jumped into the black trousers. Immediately, a deafening ringtone from the corner erupted. He sighed and walked over to the phone lying on the bed.

“Not again,” he mumbled and picked up the call.

"What's the matter this time? I'm trying to get myself to work you know,” he stated, his voice expressing his displeasure.

“Uhm… I'm sorry about that, boss,” came a feminine voice from the other end.

“There's something you should know, and I think I should bring it to your notice as soon as possible," the lady continued. James sighed into the phone and shook his head.

“Alright, you have my attention," he said, and the lady cleared her throat.

“It's about your wife, sir,” she started, and James scoffed.

"Wait! What? Don't even go there!” 

"But sir, I think it's a matter of urgency. She's becoming something else in the company. She's not just being rude to our employees, she has also taken her improper behavior further to our clients and partners.”

“I said stop!” James commanded, his voice loud and terrifying, and a sudden silence fell in place.

He caressed his forehead with his left palm and sighed heavily.

“I've warned you before, Rosalind. Now I'm warning you again, this should be the last time you call me to talk about my wife with such disrespect. You never liked her for once, and I know that.”

“I didn't keep you there to rebel against my wife. If you ever think you're in the right place to speak of my wife, just know that you have me to deal with.”

"Do you understand what I'm trying to say?” He asked, and a stuttered breath came from the phone, followed by a low mumble, “Yes, sir,” from the lady.

“I…I'm sorry sir, please forgive me,” she continued, her voice breaking down, exposing her panic and fear.

Without saying another word, James ended the call and threw the phone to the bed coldly, wearing a frown of displeasure. 

Rosalind was the personal manager of all of James's industries. She was his helping hand, making his business run smoothly even without his presence. 

A loud cry from outside the room made James run off with curiosity all over him. 

In the sitting room, his mother-in-law had just returned from a short trip. She stood by the door, and her glare filled the room as she expressed her disgust. 

James got to the sitting room, and on seeing her, his expression changed.

“Hi Mom," he greeted, but his gaze was met with a strong contemptuous glare from Mrs. Georgina Williams, his mother-in-law.

“What are all these? When was the last time you had this house cleaned, you moron?” She fumed with anger, and James rolled his eyes confusedly. He had finished his cleanup a few minutes ago, and the house was very tidy.

“I don't understand. The house is clean. I cleaned it myself just now," he protested, and she chuckled.

“Of course you did. That would explain why the house is still looking dirty. You're never good with anything you do. You better get your lazy ass inside and begin cleaning all over again. And this time, you better do it properly. I mean what kind of a man are you anyway? Is there anything in life that you can do for real?" 

James was dumbfounded as he glanced around the room and back to his wristwatch. It was past 9 a.m. already. He was late for work, but knowing Georgina too well, he was better off avoiding her troubles.

He obeyed her command and started all over, while she settled on the couch. 

Georgina Williams was always like that towards him. She saw him as a slave other than a son-in-law, simply because he was not the dream man she had wished for her daughter, or so she thought. 

After a few minutes, a TV report came up, and Georgina's giggle caught his attention. He retracted his gaze to the television and standing before a congregation was his beloved wife, Harper Williams.

She was about 5.6 ft tall with long blonde hair, a slender figure, and a big booty, spreading out of her tight red dress. Her smile was all over the screen, exposing her perfectly arranged white set of teeth.

She was an embodiment of true beauty. Seeing her live on stage, James paused, his eyes held up, and a smothering feeling of love and lust coursed through his veins, and he didn't know when he was smiling.  

“Thank you everybody for having me here today," Harper's feminine voice spoke from the TV.

"You're all here to listen to one cent of what I have to say today, and I appreciate that. As for the organizers, thank you for this gracious moment.”

“Before I proceed, there is one person who means a lot to me and he is the driving force behind everything I am and will be,” Harper said.

Hearing her statement, James's face beamed with a smile, and he couldn't be more proud. He spread his both arms, a sudden feeling of pride, knowing that Harper was referring to him. 

However, the camera was fixated on Harper and didn't show what she was staring at amongst the crowd with a satisfying smile of joy, love, and tenderness. 

She pouted her lips seductively, and James almost blew her a kiss. She was his pride and his source of happiness. 

Even though there had been suspicious acts of infidelity from Harper, James never believed any of them. He was deeply in love with her and was blinded by his feelings. 

Harper had been engaged in different romantic affairs while married to James. The support of her mother only fueled her infidelity, and James didn't know. He was in for a big surprise.

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