Chapter Seven

Seeing Harper retreating with fear, the young man by her side stepped forward to protect her. He cast a glare at James and puffed his smoke into James's face directly. It was Henry, Harper's first love. 

“Who the fuck are you?” He asked, but James ignored his question. He couldn't take his gaze away from Harper.

"Hold on, you look familiar. Are you not James, Harper's Ex-husband? Oh shit! You're him!” he exclaimed and burst into laughter. 

“What's up? I'm Henry, Harper's present lover. We're getting married soon, you heard didn't you?" Henry teased, but James didn't feel disturbed by his rants. 

Instead, he decided to forget it all and walk away, but as he turned to leave, Henry pulled him back, getting in his path.

“Woo woo woo! Chillax bro. Where do you think you're going? I ain't done with you yet. You know I could ask you to pay for damaging my wife's phone, but I'll only be wasting my time because you can't afford it,” he said, and there was mocking laughter from the crowd behind.

James scoffed and shook his head slowly. “Didn't you just say you two were getting married soon? Which means you're not married yet. How come now she's your wife?" He asked, and Henry's face went blatantly dark.

His expression conveyed disdain and anger directed towards James, but James was so calm. 

“If I were you, I would be careful with what I say. Words have consequences you know," Henry whispered in James's ear, and James chuckled.

“Well, doesn't that apply to you too?" He asked, and Henry couldn't hold back his anger this time. He pushed James in the chest, making him stagger backward a little, and the crowd cheered, while James laughed quietly.

“Forget it Henry, let's just go,” Harper jumped in, but Henry was too motivated by the crowd who were already cheering for a fight.

Seeing two security men rushing to the scene, James turned to walk away, but Henry charged at him from behind. This time, he was forced to defend himself.

Henry was very fast with his fist. He struck James with a swift punch, and the crowd went wild, but when he threw another, James was ready to go all in.

James easily avoided his fist, and a left hook knocked him off balance. He tried to balance his feet, but James was too skillful for him. James landed two blows on his face, and he collapsed swiftly and passed out.

“TKO!" A voice screamed from the crowd, and everybody began cheering for James. Harper rushed to Henry and tried to wake him up. With tears in her eyes, she stared at James, and James felt pity for her.

Seeing people mock her and Henry, he felt bad for what he had done. He gulped down the content of his throat and retreated slowly, his gaze still fixated on Harper's teary eyes. 

“I'll find you, James! I'll make life unbearable for you, I promise. You fucking asshole!" She yelled, but her voice was cut short following her breakdown. 

James scoffed and shook his head, a daring gesture asking her to go ahead and do her worst. 

The security men came forward and helped Henry back to consciousness, and he flared up with his fists folded for action, darting his eyes around fearfully.

Harper pulled him back, and the mockery only got worse. Henry was bleeding from his nose. 

On seeing James’s retreating figure, he fumed. 

“James! I'm coming for you, I swear. You crazy piece of shit. You have no right to hit me. You're a nobody James, nobody!" He yelled, but his yelling only attracted more mockery from the crowd.

“Yo! You just got your ass whooped by nobody!" A lady from the crowd said, and everybody burst into laughter. 

At this point, Harper couldn't endure it anymore. She held his hand and dragged him out of the place in embarrassment. 

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