Chapter eleven
Adrian walked into his apartment with a smile on his face, and a sense of victory engulfed all over his body, “that serves her right,” he said as he picked up a bottle of wine from the wine stand, he gulped down a glass as the alcohol hits him in the right places, he breathes a sigh of relief.

He turned on his cell phone to see the news highlight, “news does spread like wildfire,” he smirked as he read the news “BREAKING NEWS: NEWLY WEDDED COUPLE IN TURMOIL AFTER GROOM WAS FOUNDED GUILTY OF TAX EXASION, EMBEZZLEMENT AND ILLEGAL SALES OF GOLD WHILE WIFE AN ADULTERESS.”

“They do make a perfect couple after all like minds work together,” his attention shifted to the incoming phone call,

“Hello...” the breaths on the other side of the phone call made him happy,

“Grandpa, are you not going to say a word to me?” he chuckled a bit,

“What exactly do you want me to say, my darling boy?”

“To what do I own a phone call from you, my dearest grandfather?”

“Oh please, save yourself the pleasantries
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