The Devil's Plan

Elena felt relieved as she made her way to the jacuzzi, life had been nothing more than perfect for her ever since Mark stepped out of the picture. She took a sip from the glass of wine close to her and exhaled with joy as a beautiful smile grew on her face, everyone had turned against her ex-husband for her sake and they would bow at her feet even though she's utterly wrong, she had the influence and Bruce had the money to always make things go her way.

"Look at her beautiful and calm you have become, it's been a long time since I have seen you this happy," Her maid said as she brought her towel to her.

"When a pest is out of your life, calmness follows, tell the chef to make me a good breakfast, I have an appointment to meet up with" she ordered.

She had her breakfast swiftly and before driving out of her garage, a black Rolls-Royce formed an obstacle on her path, she smiled on recognizing the owner.

"Where are you heading to?" Bruce asked.

"I have an appointment with my modeling pr
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