The Rise Of The Lost Trillionaire
The Rise Of The Lost Trillionaire
Author: Duke Isaac
Ch 1: Saved By Beauty

"Try not to die by tripping over your stupid self!" A group of senior boys shouted at Allen from some distance and started laughing right after.

Allen ignored the petty mockery as he carried on walking down the street. The continuous harassment had become a part of his life ever since he was adopted into Rhys family. But it still bothered him just as much as it did every other day.

The boys chased him after receiving no response from Allen, and suddenly he was kicked to the ground. He huddled on a rough surface, bruising his nose and face. The boys circled around him as they watched him struggling alone, his misery brought smiles on their ugly faces.

One of the boys stepped forward and chuckled,"You're a really persistent bastard! How could you not die of shame?"

"Man, that's crazy! I would have never stepped out of my house if I were in his place," other boy taunted, as he crushed Allen's fingers under his shoe's heel.

Clenching his jaws, Allen endured the humiliation because he knew they would leave after venting their anger. Fighting back would only cause further problems for him and his adoptive parents.

However his intuition this time failed, those boys were not planning on leaving today. Two of the boys squatted down and looking down at Allen's bruised face they ordered,"Hey useless bastard, ask your father to return my dad's money."

"Why?" Allen was confused, but before he could ask for the reason he was punched straight into his face. The boy grabbed his face and repeated aggressively,"WHY?"

"Your father who's useless like you borrowed money from my dad to gamble. Now you're asking me why?"

Allen's face fell down in shame, he was truly aware of how his adoptive father was obsessed with gambling. He was always mocked for being the son of a gambler which hurt his self-esteem everytime. Still he kept quiet, thinking that the boys would get bored and leave him alone.

"Your mother is quite a curvy young woman," the boy choking Allen's jaws, commented.

As soon as he heard those words, Allen's eyes widened in surprise. He couldn't believe that their mockery had reached his adoptive mother.

"Why not send your mother to us? We will play with her for sometime in return–"

"How dare you, a scoundrel, talk about my mother?" Allen's eyes darkened in rage as he pushed the boy back and stood up to hit his ugly face.

That very moment, a bulky boy appeared in front and caught Allen's fists, he thundered,"How dare you, a loser, fight back?"

"Beat him up, leader," the boys who were crowding around Allen cheered.

Allen folded his lips in his mouth as he struggled to pull back his hand from the grasp of that strong leader. However the leader crunched his fist under his strong hand and smirked.

"Filthy bastard," the leader began. "We were just suggesting an easy way out for you and your loser father. Why are you throwing punches at my boys? Wanna join us as we play with your mother–"

"SHUT UP,"Allen's eyes shot red as his blood pounded in his veins. He spat on the leader's face and kicked his stomach with his right leg, causing the leader to stumble upon the rocky ground.

Taking long strides, he grabbed the leader's collar and hit his forehead against his and cursed,"I have had enough of your nonsense!"

"Bastard, you're dead meat today," the boys standing back cursed as they dragged him away from their leader.

The leader spits out the blood as he gets up and glares at Allen with his murderous eyes. Wry smile crawled on his evil face when he wrapped his meaty fingers around Allen's neck and stamped his face on the ground twice.


Allen received the heavy injury, his nose started bleeding while the corner of his face got rubbed against the ground.

The leader clutched his throat and pulled him up. Allen's face was now terribly covered in blood which was amusing to the boys. Giving him no second to breathe, the leader stamped his face again.

Throwing his body on the ground the leader asked his boys to trample on him. With big grins playing on their lips, the boys charged and started kicking Allen miserably. He was getting beaten up miserably, nobody to help him... Strangely everything felt cold and numb as he chose to close his eyes, that moment he realised this was the end.


Suddenly he heard the sounds of punches and kicks, he opened his eyes only to see two beautiful masculine female bodyguards beating the boys brutally. Amidst of them stood a tall blonde beauty with her unfriendly blue eyes fixed on him.

He became confused and looked around, the female bodyguards seemed to be following that blonde beauty's orders.

They were quick to take care of the boys saving Allen heroically. Finally clutching their hands on either arms of the leader, they pulled him away from Allen and tossed him on the ground, smashing his face against the ground multiple times until his face was disfigured and covered in blood.

Allen watched all of them getting beaten up into pulp, some even had their legs and arms dislocated.

"Fucking bitch," the leader cursed as he gets up from the ground and leapt at the blonde beauty only to be kicked by one of the female bodyguards.

Grabbing the leader's arm, the bodyguard twisted it behind his back and made him kneel down in front of the blonde beauty and scowled,"How dare you, a retard slum of meat, curse at Young Miss? Wishing for death?"

The leader spat out the blood and bawled angrily at the beauty,"Who the fuck are you? I don't remember messing with you! Then why are you beating me and my boys?"

"Keep your fucking voice down," the bodyguards smacked the leader's face against the ground, not letting him to raise his head. "You're not qualified to question Miss Daisy Mickelson. "

"Daisy Mickelson?" The leader murmured under his breath, trying to recall where he heard her name.

Allen was now up, wiping the blood off his mouth, he looked at the beautiful beauty as if she were a powerful angel.

"M-Miss Daisy? The mayor's daughter?" The leader questioned shockingly. "Why are you beating us for this loser?" The leader roared at top of his voice, stuttering because of the mouth injuries he received from the bodyguards.

Daisy casted soulless glance at the leader and his boys, and with an indifferent voice she said,"Because Allen is my boyfriend.”

She paused and looked at Allen's surprised face, "Anyone who dares to touch him in future will be going against my father, Mayor Xavier Mickelson."

"Your boyfriend?" The leader repeated, with confusion trailing in his voice.

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