The Rise Of The Lost Trillionaire

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The Rise Of The Lost Trillionaire

By: Duke Isaac Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 25 views: 672

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"You're sold to me, you're nothing but a slave bound by contract," those words shattered Allen's heart, until then, he was just an orphan abandoned with a gambler and selfish adopted father and an innocent but devoted adopted mother. His adopted father, seeing him as nothing but a burden, went as far as selling him off to a Mayor's daughter. Allen had always been called a useless orphan and a loser, rarely by his own name, now, he was degraded to being a slave under contract. "I purchased you to pretend as a boyfriend, I have too many suitors who are just a nuisance," she said coldly, her words leaving no room for his opinion. "And why should I agree to be your boyfriend?" Allen was truly confused, he couldn't even understand the situation he was in. "Show some respect, she's your master now," the bodyguards threatened, "You're now Miss Daisy's property, if you resist any further, you and your family might not live to see tomorrow's rising sun." Left with no choice, Allen bowed to the circumstances, only to be interrupted by the twist of fate knocking on his door introducing him to his new self which he never even imagined. A group of noblemen arrived and bowed before him. "Dear Prince Allen Morgan, you have endured so much suffering. It's time for you to return to your family and inherit the $50 billion business." This inheritance and the new world awaiting him, would it bring only more bullies and enemies lurking in the shadows, and can he find the reason behind his parents' disappearance?

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  • Alec Novikov


    Woah, the kickstart made it intriguing! and love his heroine LoL. waiting for more updates

    2024-05-28 18:15:51
  • Kushi


    this is such an amazing start, the story is very interesting, I hope Allen takes revenge on the people who thought of him as weak, I'm waiting for more updates author.....

    2024-05-28 11:59:53
  • Crazy Soul


    I like the bad girl type girlfriend and him getting back at anyone who humiliates him.

    2024-05-31 14:43:17
Latest Chapter
25 chapters
Ch 1: Saved By Beauty
"Try not to die by tripping over your stupid self!" A group of senior boys shouted at Allen from some distance and started laughing right after. Allen ignored the petty mockery as he carried on walking down the street. The continuous harassment had become a part of his life ever since he was adopted into Rhys family. But it still bothered him just as much as it did every other day. The boys chased him after receiving no response from Allen, and suddenly he was kicked to the ground. He huddled on a rough surface, bruising his nose and face. The boys circled around him as they watched him struggling alone, his misery brought smiles on their ugly faces. One of the boys stepped forward and chuckled,"You're a really persistent bastard! How could you not die of shame?" "Man, that's crazy! I would have never stepped out of my house if I were in his place," other boy taunted, as he crushed Allen's fingers under his shoe's heel. Clenching his jaws, Allen endured the humiliation because he
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Ch 2: Helpless Allen
The boys, including their leader, couldn't believe their ears. How could the daughter of the Mayor be the girlfriend of loser Allen? The leader still pretended to be arrogant and mocked her,"Are you taking me for a fool? You are just nobody and trying to mess with my gang!" The bodyguards trample on his back, and crushed his spine as soon as those words left from the leader's mouth. "This scoundrel thinks Miss Daisy has got time to play pretend games!" Yanking the leader's head up, the bodyguards ruthlessly ordered,"Scram when Miss Daisy is being nice. You surely don't want yourself and your boys dead, right?" The leader and his boys looked at Daisy once again, and felt the cold chills running down their spines. She was the real deal who shouldn't be messed with. With broken legs and arms, they got up and apologised to her and quickly disappeared from her and Allen's sight. "What should we do with him, Miss Daisy?" Bodyguards asked, jolting Allen out of his thoughts. A
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Ch 3: Prince of Morgan family
The man's grip tightened on Allen's neck as he knocked Olivia off,"If you don't come back tomorrow with the money, your adoptive mother will be dragged out and sold to the brothel. She must pay our debts with her beautiful body." Allen's despair reached its peak, coughing out blood he nodded and assured the man that he would definitely pay all of his father's debts. The man released him and dashed out of the house with his men. As soon as he gets freed, Allen immediately takes off his jacket and wraps it around Olivia. Seeing her unconscious, he panicked and tried to sprinkle water on her face to wake her up. "I... I'm sorry for being a useless son to you," he murmured those words as he gritted his teeth, feeling like a real loser who couldn't even protect his mother. He wanted to end his pathetic life instead of living like this. Suddenly, a dazzling light lit up on the road, as if the sun was right in front of him. He covered his face with his hand as the light beams hit
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Ch 4: Having Chairwoman at his command
"Mother, please hang on. You will be alright," Allen panicked, his adoptive mother Olivia was bleeding continuously in the car. "Would you mind increasing the speed? The condition is getting serious," the butler who was in the same car as Allen, ordered the driver. Half an hour later, their car and other following sports cars entered inside the tunnel and after a few minutes driving in the tunnel, they arrived at the top of the cliff. Parking in front of the majestic and grandiose castle, butler opened the car's door for Allen to get out. He stepped out of the car only to be surprised by the Morgan family's legendary castle in front of him, the castle perched atop a very cliff. It features a series of tall,pointed towers and spires, giving it a fantasy-tale-like appearance. Its intricate architecture included numerous arches, balconies and battlements that added regal and imposing presence. Around the castle lays down lush greenery, with trees and foliage clinging to the rocky cli
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Ch 5: Concealment of identity
" That's a bit extreme," Allen replied, his expressions changing into confusion and questioning the reality. Never in his wildest dreams did he think of having the chairwoman of such a big group kneeling in front of him. And she wasn't just kneeling but giving him ownership over her power and authority. Willing to be used in any way he wished! Crazy! He stepped backwards from Shirley and looked at Butler with eyes expecting an explanation. The butler in return cast a polite smile before saying,"Young Master, Shirley is my daughter." "Your daughter?" Allen looked at butler and then Shirley, the difference between them was too big. Butler was a tall man packed with muscles even in his forties while Shirley was petite and had a very curvy yet slim body. But then he noticed her grey eyes, and her loyal nature. "Yes, young master. At the time you disappeared in Lansford City, I used my position as Morgan family's butler to take control over the businesses," Butler answered, explaining
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Ch 6: Lie Of the century
"Allen?" She cried," Allen, where are you? My son." Olivia couldn't help but cry when she looked at the splendid master bedroom, the golden chandelier hanging from the ceiling, the exquisite paintings on the wall and the fresh roses placed in the vases. Everything in that room screamed nobility , elegance and wealth. It appeared to be the bedroom of some rich person...Panicking Olivia recalled the words of the debt collectors' and her eyes darkened in modification. She believed that Allen was killed by those monsters and she was sold to some rich oldman as a slave."She then saw the huge glass window and noticed the helicopters patrolling in the sky above the castle. When she opened the window, her jaws dropped off in shock as she forgot to breathe for a second. "Mother? You are finally awake," Allen entered inside the room when the guards informed him about his adoptive mother gaining her consciousness. She looked at Allen with her teary yet scared eyes and covering her face with
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Ch 7: Bigshot in Lansford City
"Yes, mother," Allen assured her and the very day Allen takes his adoptive mother back to Beihai. But this time he was not returning as a homeless and bullied student, rather he became a hidden richest man in Lansford City. He now has an important task to complete– finding out his biological parents' deaths mysteries and the reason why his father asked him to look into the Mickelson family. They took the cab to the Morgan enterprise’s building and when they finally arrived, Allen's adoptive mother, Olivia, hesitated and pulled him to one corner. "Son, I appreciate the Lansford city's charity organisation for helping us, however I think..." Noticing his mother's hesitation, Allen said,"What is it that you're worried about?Do you not like yourself being promoted to supervisor's position?" "No, no, I love it. But I think they would not want me to be the cleaning supervisor. I have no qualification and overall I'm unworthy of–""Believe in yourself, mother," he reassured her. " They
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Ch 8: Respect my mother
Shirley glanced at Clara and in a low tone she ordered her,"Leave the job and get out!" Clara panicked, she knew Shirley was known for her fierce and resolute personality. Once she has made the decision there's no changing back. Clara with a trembling voice asked," B-Boss, what about my resignation salary?" As soon as those words left Clara's mouth, Shirley turned back to face her and with furious eyes she said,"I'm baffled by your audacity! Are you seriously asking for money when you insult my guests?" "B-Boss... I'm–""No, I will not accept your apology," Shirley instantly stopped Clara from saying anything further. "Your wages of this year are deducted as a penalty for insulting my guests and making me embarrassed!" "No...boss please. Have mercy, I was an idiot to have done that."Clara then reached for Allen's adoptive mother and pleaded, causing more drama only to irritate Shirley further. Tilting her head, Shirley commanded the security guards,"Throw her out of the company.
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Ch 9: I will buy this dress
"Is anything the matter, Young Master?" Shirley asked, getting worried when she saw him perplexed. "No. Actually yes, I'm late for my job." "Your job? Aren't you already at it?" Shirley asked again, in confusion and was given a jesting look from Allen as he exited the office's room. Shirley remembered what her father had said that Allen had a different secretive job so she must not ask about it and do as much as possible to protect him. "Boss, wait, let me give you a drive to your workplace if you are late," Shirley said and runs behind him and gets into the elevator with him. He looked at her, she was panting profusely and fanning herself. Maybe it was her first time running behind someone with long strides. "Shirley, you don't need to escort me," Allen began. "I will take the cab to the company otherwise they might suspect my background!" "Don't worry young master, I'm prepared for it." She sounded too confident which surprised Allen and when they arrived at th
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Ch 10: Humbled by his Identity
The staff including other customers gathered there started laughing at Allen's stupidity. "Wow, he's such a fool! How could he give his $100 worth card to buy a 1 million worth dress?" "He's just retard, let's get going. We wasted our time thinking some rich guy was buying such an expensive dress for his girlfriend!" The crowd of customers murmured among themselves while giving side eyes to Allen and Daisy before leaving them alone. Daisy grabbed him by his collar and scolded,"Idiot, what were you trying to pull out? A heroic stunt?" "No... I was serious about buying the–" "Please, stop embarrassing me," she coldly said, leaving his collar. "I haven't hired you to keep embarrassing me in public! I am disappointed in your service." And before Allen would give her an explanation she had already left the shop. He sighed and looked at his card which made him jump in shock. "Oh no,old habits!" He murmured under his breath when he saw his old bank's card, which he was used to. He mis
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