Ch 21: Last Chance

As soon as his adoptive father heard Allen's words, his eyes sparkled with greediness. Like he was waiting for Allen to show pity on him and give him the money.

Shirley, who was standing behind Allen's seat, leaned close and politely asked in a very low voice," Young Master, I have a feeling that this piece of shit is going to cause problems for your adoptive mother again!"

"I know," Allen acknowledged in a cold tone. "But I'm giving him one last chance, if he repeats again, he will be sent behind bars. I will make sure he stays there his whole life without interrupting my adoptive mother's peaceful life!"

Shirley nodded,"You have thought it through thoroughly, sorry for doubting your decision."

"It's alright, let's hear how much this trash demands for."

Allen and Shirley looked at the adoptive father, he was counting something on his fingers before raising his ugly face and grinned,"1 million US dollars."

Allen clenched his fists, suppressing his rage and refuted," If I clearly
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