Ch 25 : Her parents not pleased with Allen
"Mom, he is Allen Rhys, my boyfriend and he's an entrepreneur. We have been together for–"

"Daisy, you have no manners,"Selena glanced at her daughter for stepping forward and introducing Allen on behalf of him. "How could you not allow us as parents to interact with your boyfriend? Do you no longer consider us as elders?"

"No…mother it's not like that. He is just–"

Allen noticed that Daisy's hands were shaking and her attitude changed into horror. It was like she was scared of her parents to the extent that she could stutter her words. He came forward, held her shaking hand and politely bowed in front of her parents.

"Hello, Sir Xavier and Madam Selena, I'm Allen. I have been in love with your daughter for a year and recently we both decided to public our relationship."

"I see," selena raised her eyebrows in seriousness and sat down beside her husband.

Feeling everything fine, Allen tried to take the seat but was given a death stare from Daisy's parents. Inching close, Daisy whisp
Duke Isaac

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