224: No Idea

Barrett’s expression morphed into one of displeasure as he cast a glance in her direction and then moved on.

“And on the other, my friend Jay, with your eagerness to beat electronic mods with your bare hands, we could help you reach your next step. Everything is profit for everyone, especially for you,” she said with a smile.

Just as she completed her statement and delivered her final words, she brought her fingers together with a sharp movement and made a crisp, sudden sound by swiftly separating them apart, snapping them once more.

She looked at Jay and said, “Corvis is a fake, and you know it. The reason you’re with him is that it’s convenient for you, just that, that’s why I want to give you a much bigger game world so you can do a lot more things.”

Jay looked at her. She lowered her head and then said, “It’s true, Corvis is a nuisance!”

She nodded and, seeing Barrett said, “And in your case, the union had you under their yoke for all those years, and what do you think they will d
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