THE FULL MOON period lasted 2 to 3 days depending on the time of the year. It was the only time the wolves were free to wander about and howl to their content and satisfaction.
The wolves of London were evolved and civilised, so some human children ran side by side with their wolf friends during some nights. They would run through the woods, chase rabbits. Then they would find themselves to the knob of a hill and with the alpha starting, all the other wolves would howl loud and long. Nose pointed to the moon and tail flat on the floor. The human children who had ran with their werewolf friends would stay back at the foot of the hill – for the hill was sacred grounds for the wolves – and shiver. Maybe because of the cold. Maybe because of the long, low soul-wrenching howl that all the wolves made into a melodic unity. The human children would cluster together and wonder why the lycan gene had skipped them. Even if they had werewolves parents. Even if their siblings had the lycan gene. The humans at home would shut their doors and windows and sit near the fire with a cup of tea in their hand. The ones whose spouses were wolves would have a hot bath waiting for the spouse and children for when they came home. Slowly, one by one, each wolf would trudge back down the hill. Some pups would shift back to human form. Some would remain in their werewolf form. The friends of the pups brought clothes along. They would watch their friends dress up and then they would all go home together. The occasional ring of children laughter would ring out and drift in the night air. Yes, there were wolves in London. Werewolves. If only you know where to look.CREATURES OF MAGIC are scattered all over the world. Feys. Elves. Dwarfs. Werewolves. And even Vampires. Then there were occasional loopholes of nature. Centaurs. Giants etc.
Some species like the Feys and Elves are well adapted and can live quite undetected amongst humans. Feys are more slender and slightly taller than the average human. Their faces are oval but there not much physical difference between them and humans. Elves look just like humans with pointed ears – which can be retracted or disguised with hats, wigs or hair when they are amongst humans – and if you look closely, you might just notice that their teeth are more pointy and sharper than that of a human. Dwarfs are rarely seen. They move in groups and walk mostly in secret underground tunnels nobody knows about. In some wolf communities, they are used as paid labour or slaves too. The Vampires are, well Vampires. Most of them move at night to avoid the risk of sunburn. Then there are the ones with the elder blood. These elder Vampires are immune to sunlight. They live on blood and are the sworn enemies to the werewolves. The werewolves are the most socialized and civilised of the magical species. They live in packs all over the world. Each pack ground is surrounded by a magical barrier to avoid human intrusion. The pack is led by the alpha and assisted by his wife, the luna. In each pack, the birth of a new pup is a well celebrated affair. So, when the sister of the alpha got pregnant, the whole North London pack was ecstatic. On the week of her delivery, Feys were invited over to help oversee the late periods of the pregnancy and pre-labour process, for it is believed that they are the most skilled magical healers. On the night her water broke and the contractions began, it took every one by surprise. The Feys and wolf healers were called immediately the Labour began. Her cries and groans could be heard from inside the room, alongside the hushed muffled voices of the fey healers. Outside the room, the alpha was pacing impatiently across the room. The husband sat, numb on a seat. He looked calm on the outside but there was a raging storm inside his head. The only sign of his agitation was the occasional deep growl that would rumble from his throat and his eyes had shifted to a bright gold colour. Labour shouldn’t take this long.After six hours of cries and groans and hushed voices and blood loss and confusion, the cry of a baby was heard. The husband was startled and leapt out of his chair and towards the door. The alpha bounded behind him. When a pup is born, after he takes his first breath and gives a loud shriek, he is placed in the arms of the mother who then creates a bond by looking into the child’s eyes with her lycan eyes. This was a moment of privacy, the healers would step away. Only the father and mother of the child will be present. When the bond is created, different things may happen.The wolf of the child could surface for a moment, changing the babe's eye and pointing his ears. Then a ripple of fur, from his head would wash down his naked little body like a wave and he would give a little whimper. That would confirm him as a wolf. The babe could become silent and suck on his thumb and then stretch out his arms to reach for his mother and giggle. That would mean the lycan gene had skipped him and he was just human. The mother would not love him any less and the bond would still be created and strong. She would feel his pain, his joy, his sadness. All his emotions, till he was old enough to cut it, if he wished. What happened in this case was different. The child’s eyes, when bonded with his mother changed to a startling green colour. Little whisker-like hair protruded from beneath his now flattened nose and a long tail protruded from his bottom. He closed his eyes and purred in satisfaction. “He’s a cat and from the color of his fur and strength of his purring, it seems like he's a Jaguar." His mother said in amazement. She hugged the boy to her chest and his animal features retracted gracefully. Her husband gathered the mother and child in his arms and said, “He must have gotten it from my grandfather. I’m quarter-cat, remember?” She nodded. “We’ll tell everyone he doesn’t have the lycan gene.” Which was not a lie, if you think about it. “They will all assume that he’s human.”THE WERECATS SPECIES were very rare and special. They once thrived successfully centuries ago. The were fast. Strong. Big. Intelligent. Proud and believed they were meant to rule. They came in different sub species ranging from large cats like Leopards, panthers and cougars to small sized cats.
The rarest and most powerful of them all was the were-jaguar.
It took the combined force of the major species a 150 years before the could diminish the cat’s population to 60% of their original size. But the cats didn’t go down without a fight. They wrecked chaos and havoc were they were presentMost cat’s were loners, so it was easier to wipe them out when the other species attacked. Now their population has further reduced to just 1%.Aside Vampires, the next worse enemy of the werewolves are werecats.Related Chapters
The Rise of an Alpha Were-Jaguar Chapter 2
I CLOSED MY eyes and listened carefully, I could hear the faint snapping of twigs. I knew Jake was nearby. I opened my eyes and crawled forward silently into a thick shrub of bushes. I heard another rustle before my 9 year old cousin leapt out from behind me. He laughed as he thought he had caught me by surprise but my reflexes were sharp and I twisted and we collided head-on.He was a wolf so his jump was strong and high. We rolled down the path, tumbling and swallowing dirt on the way. We crashed into a tree and struggled to get up. I must have broken some bones but I got up just fine and helped Jake to his feet. I was older than him by almost 5 months. We were cousins, he was the son of the pack’s alpha and he was a werewolf, whereas the lycan gene has skipped me and jumped to my younger brother, Harry who was just five. “Jason?” Jake called, holding unto me hand.“Hmmm?”“You’re my best friend in the whole world and when I become alpha, you’d be my right hand man.”I laughed at
The Rise of an Alpha Were-Jaguar Chapter 3
"DO YOU KNOW what this is?” Arthur asked, dropping a flower on Jake's desk. I scooted my chair over and stretched my neck to see the flower properly. It was a strange one. I didn’t recognize it. It was yellow with a little greenish hue at the tips of each petals. Jake’s face was blank. Other boys from our class gathered around too. “It’s not yet Valentine’s day, Arthur... and we’re not gay. Take away your flower.” Mart, the class jester, yelled. We all burst out laughing, Arthur’s face turned red as he grabbed the flower and shook it in our faces. “Have any of you seen this before?” Our joy mellowed as we saw how angry he was. “It’s a morteaux flower, fools.” He continued, his voice was high. Morteaux, I had heard of the flower somewhere... Morteaux!!I was the first to grasp it. “B-but it doesn’t grow in our territory” I said, stammering a little bit.Arthur’s face changed from anger to triumph now that we were taking him a lot more serious. “it doesn’t grow around us.” He sai
The Rise of an Alpha Were-Jaguar Chapter 4
JAKE GROWLED LOUDLY. His hackles rose making him look bigger than he actually was. I don't think that it fooled the Vampires, though. Because they all sneered and laughed. “Do y’all perceive that?” The lead vampire asked his mates. They all sniffed and laughed again. They looked like something from a horror movie. “That’s the scent of an alpha blood, am I right?” They all nodded and cheered. “Stay back.” I commanded in what I hope was a strong voice. “Lee, Bruce and I on the wolf. Now.” Before I could blink, a vamp leapt at me. Jake barrelled it out of the way like an oncoming truck, just before it got to me. He took a large chunk off the vamp's throat. The vamp twitched once then lay still and desiccated. Three left. “Change of plans!” shouted the lead Vampire.The vampire Lee slammed me into a tree. As I struggled to get up, I pulled out a knife from my ankle but still hid it from sight. Vampires are extremely hard to catch up with. I glanced around me. He was nowhere to be s
The Rise of an Alpha Were-Jaguar Chapter 5
THERE WERE A group of creatures whose jobs are to study the world’s population. They constantly watch the ripple of life for a new sign of life. They knew the exact number of Vampires, Werewolves and all other creatures. They knew when a new human has been turned into a Vampire. They know when a new wolf has been born. They are a special group of Feys, specially chosen and trained to perform this hectic task efficiently. Each new magical creature starts a ripple in the life crystal. Only Feys with trained eyes can detect the ripple of a wolf from that of a Centaur or an Elf, so when a new ripple started out, they weren’t so surprised until they studied it more. This was not one of a Vampire or an Elf, neither was it one of any other creature of mistake like a giant or dwarf. It was very much like that of a Werecat but not exactly.A new kitten hasn’t been born in over a century, The other species saw to that by killing of 99% of the Cats population. They looked at the ripple once
The Rise of an Alpha Were-Jaguar Chapter 6
“ALPHA JAMIE MORTON of the North London pack. It’s a pleasure, as well as a surprise to see you here.” A watcher stepped forward, extending his hand. “Same could be said about you, Alyssé.” Jamie said, taking the outstretched hand reluctantly. “What are you doing here?” “Same could be said about you, Alpha.” Alyssé said, echoing what Jamie had just said.“Touché. Well, this happened on my border. So it’s just natural that I find out what occurred here. Answer my question now, what are you doing here?” Alyssé’s eyes went behind Jamie to where the young man who had brought them here and Claude was standing. Without turning to face them, Jamie raised his voice and said to the man, “Go to the settlement, boy. Let my wife that I might be late. And tell her to instruct everyone inside right now. And then you go home.” “Yes alpha.” He said and ran in the direction of the stream. “Now, you can answer me.” Alyssé was still hesitant to answer as his eyes still shifted to Claude who was
The Rise of an Alpha Were-Jaguar Chapter 7
Elder Vampires. The original Vampires. Shit! “They’re WHAT?! How the hell did you know that?” I said, my breath catching in my throat as we stumbled forward. “How the hell did i know what?” Jake asked beside me, he thought I was talking to him.“Not you... the crazy cat in my head.” I replied. “Answer me.” We have memories, you fool. Long term memories that can be passed through generations. It’s not something I can explain. “They’re elder Vampires. Apparently, they can walk under the sun.” I told Jake what I just knew. “I’ve read about them somewhere... I think.” “We have to cross the stream. Come on.” I pulled him into the water as we sloshed our way through. “You know, there might be a brigde up ahead. Or some hopping stones.” I ignored him. We were already knee deep in water and still going deeper but the stream was not so wide. “Hurry up!” I said, holding my bag above my head. “You know... now that I think of it, it might not have been a Vampire.” “What?!”We both tur
The Rise of an Alpha Were-Jaguar Chapter 8
“DO YOU KNOW what this is?” Jake asked, dropping the heart on Arthur’s desk, the next day at school. We were at the science laboratory, waiting for our teacher to arrive. The boys crowded round again. There were gasps of shock and disgust as they recognised it. “Incase you haven’t figured it out by now, it’s the heart of a Vampire... that I killed.” There were gasps every where. “Y-you ripped its heart out?” Zach said in his usual tiny voice. “I sure did.” “How?” Arthur asked, still staring warily at the heart. “Well...” He brought out my knife and showed the boys. “when we were attacked...”I zoned him out and smiled. He was going to tell them how he had fought three Vampires on his own and at the end of it all, he had used my knife to dig through their chest and rip out their hearts. That was the story we had agreed upon. I glanced around and my eyes fell on Lily. She sat at the other end of the class. And I was in love with her. Yeah, I forgot to mention that I’ve had a ma
The Rise of an Alpha Were-Jaguar Chapter 9
I watched Dad wear his three piece pinstriped suit. He shrugged on his coat like an armour and blowed a kiss to mum. Then he walked out the door. There was a limo just outside the Alpha’s house too. They were going out. Probably to an important meeting, seeing the way Dad was dressed. He hopped into the limo with the Alpha, my uncle Jamie and the limo sped off. It was a good thing they were both gone. I wouldn’t have to sneak as carefully as when they were around. I waited a bit after dinner. The 30 minutes seemed like eternity. As soon as the clock hit 8.30pm, I got my jacket and ran out the door. “Be back before 9.” I heard Mum yell from the kitchen. “Okay...” I yelled back, not stopping or even slowing. I ducked behind some bushes as some Men walked pass. They were on Patrol duty. I didn’t even know why I hid, I could have easily waved at them. But I stayed hidden till they were well past. Then I ran nonstop all the way to the oak tree by the edge of the woods. My ears were
Latest Chapter
Chapter 79
I WAS AWOKEN by the harsh Ray of sunshine coming from the window. I glinted and squinted as i sat up. The fireplace was off. The wood had all burnt off.The main sitting room was buzzing with activity. People were coming and going, I heard Jake’s voice talking with someone.I turned and yawned and saw he was talking with Gibson. I grimaced as I remembered that this huge man was Dad’s replacement. I heard the door open and the sounds of footsteps as the boys – Billy, Matt and Zach – bounded in.They made a beeline to where I laid down and stood over me.I struggled and sat up. I groaned as I felt a crick in my lower back.I looked at their faces and went a little sad at how incomplete they seemed.We all missed Arthur and Jeff.“I should wash up.” I said, rubbing my eyes.The nodded.I walked and headed up to Jake’s room to use his bathroom.I was half expecting to see Elsa. I could really do with her smile this morning.I rushed to the bathroom to do my stuffs, while in the bathroom I
Chapter 78
I RUSHED NEXT door to the Alpha house and went on to find Jake.“They are in the study.” Elsa said as I walked in, as if she knew exactly who I was looking for.I headed to the study and walked in and realized why Elsa had said “they". I found him in the study with Alpha Jaja, Alpha Preston, Mum and aunt Charlotte.The heads turned to look at me as I burst in. I prepared to turn back but thought better of it so I stood my ground.I raised my hand and pointed with my thumb to the back. “Is he supposed to be here?” i walked into the room.“Who is that?” Alpha Jaja asked, pushing back his chair and standing up.We heard the door open and the sound of walking stick tapping the floorboard as footsteps approached.The pale figure of Henri filled the door as Henri came up and looked around the room. His eyes lingered on me before he moved on to Jake.“I came to pay my last respect. Your father was a good man and a strong Alpha.” He said and turned and walked away before any of us could say a
Chapter 77
SHE PULLED ME up with ease. I searched her eyes for any knowledge that I was banished and the reason behind it.I did not find any. Just the warm brown familiar eyes of and her wide smile. She was really happy to see me.“How have you been?” She asked, pulling me into a tight hug.My arms wrapped around her waist and I inhaled the nice fragrance from her hair. We stayed in the hug for some seconds before she pulled back and I noticed a squat figure just behind her.“Oh, this is Grem.” She said. “He’s a dwarf.”I looked closely at this strange creature, barely reaching up to my knees with large feet and hands and big black eyes too.“We have them at the pack now. Not as slaves, though. Of course not.” She said, laughing. “More like an exchange of relationship, we offer them food and shelter and protection and they run the chores of the pack. Like cooking and cleaning.”I made the appropriate noise to that because she nodded and continued. “Dad wanted to offer them money too, you know.
Chapter 76
A THICK SILENCE filled the air at the cabin. The fire still burned outside but not on its own now. It cackled loudly and the pungent odour of burning human flesh hung heavy in the air. Clyde was seated at a couch opposite Rosetta. Roland was standing in a dark corner, his ankles were crossed and arms folded.Henri stood near the window in his regular pose – one hand in his pocket and the other, holding his stick. But this time, he held the stick at the middle, the head of the stick was hooked to the curtain, drawing it back and opened slightly so there was a thin slice of moonlight casted over his features.Sofia came in from casting a burning spell on Tom’s body, her hands were tucked inside her robes. Clyde turned to her. She gave a brief nod and then settled herself down on the chair in front of the fireplace.“You have been staring at that too much, lately.” Henri pointed, letting go of the curtain and gesturing with the hand holding his stick towards the fire.Sofia nodded.It mi
Chapter 75
THE BURIAL OF an alpha is not small affair. Claude had been the longest lasting and once best friend of Jamie, so he was consulted as to what Jamie would have wanted.And Claude said what Jamie had told him years ago. Many many years ago.Jamie wanted his body cremated and half of his ashes buried in the cemetery, but he wanted his son, Jake to spray the other half of his Ash into a flowing river.At least even in death, he would still have the chance to explore.That evening, Jamie’s body was cremated just before the burial procession started.Zhao and Alyssé stood by a corner. Alpha Jaja had arrived a few hours ago with his wife. His eyes were red rimmed. He had been crying.The whole pack was dressed in black. Drakys III and Faerie were seated at a table, constantly consorting with each other.The grand magus was also at the burial. But all these guest were detached. They were mainly here out of a sense of duty and respect for the dead man.Only Preston and other invited werewolves
Chapter 74
MY MIND WAS in a turmoil. Mum left yesterday, or was it two days ago?I lost track of time.Then Dad was called too. He left last night.And that was how I ended up alone in America. I planned on staying in my dorm for the major part of the day. But I had to go to campus in the morning, I had a major lecture.I entered the lecture hall distractedly, my hood was pulled over my head as I settled down.I should call Jake, I said to myself. I should offer my condolences. Mum had sent me the news that my uncle was dead. Jake would be the alpha now.I randomly remembered a time when we were 9 and Jake had held my hand, saying I would be his right hand when he became alpha.It had seemed like a faraway dream as at that time.Now, it felt like another life.Another reality, but a reality nonetheless.I shook my head and brought out my laptop, and then I perceived it.I looked up sharply and caught the glint of the sun on that ginger coloured hair.She was sitting a few rows in front of me. Wi
Chapter 73
ROLAND WAS NOT really enthralled or looking forward to having a sweaty, nervous man shuffling and dogging his every step. But he was quiet as Sofia and Clyde bustled around in preparation for the ritual.It was to hold in the night at the backyard. Sofia had used the wolfs bane to make a spiral on the ground.Clyde would pass by and whisper something to Tom and they would both share a giggle.“You will need a blood from a werewolf to complete the ritual.” Roland said to Sofia as she passed him.She stopped and cocked her head to a side as she looked at him. “You don’t sound excited.”“There’s nothing to be excited about.” He replied.She came to rest on the wall beside him. “Is there not?” She asked him. “You would train this one yourself.”Roland sighed.“We are going to use your blood and Clyde’s.” Sofia said in answer to his question.Roland pushed from the wall and walked inside the house. He kept himself busy by cleaning and polishing his oak branch stick.He was so engrossed tha
Chapter 72
THE DRIVE WAS quiet. Neither man spoke, even their breathing was muffled and very quiet. While Henri paid his full attention on the road, Roland gaze flicked lazily out the window and over the ever changing scenery as Henri drove about 50 miles per hour over the speed limit. Roland kept expecting them to be flagged down but they were not. The car drove on heavily and soundly. The outside world changed from mountains and hills to random small houses and patches of farm to large ranches to a developed part of town with skyscrapers to flats and plains and finally thick trees. “The next turn on your right.” Roland said. Henri did not give any indication that he heard but he turned at the next turn. They drove on that lane for close to 10 minutes before Roland said, “Turn here.” “There’s no road.” Henri said. “Just turn.” Henri swerved sharply into the dirt and the Bentley bounced and groaned as the tires crushed the dry grass and gravel. There, in the middle of a large expanse of
Chapter 71
JAKE HAD WATCHED them go in circles for what seemed like eternity but was actually just 2 hours. The conversation had mainly been carried on by Preston, Drakys III and Faerie and Zhao.Drakys had suggested a centaur absent-mindedly.“A Centaur can’t take on an alpha werewolf on his territory.” Preston has countered. “Besides centaurs don’t just go on a killing spree.”Faeries had said, agreeing with Preston. “None of you had any bad blood with the alpha, do you.”There was shaking of heads all around the table.Faerie yawned a dainty yawn. Jessica sat, unmoving, her peripheral vision watched the still form of Jake. She knew he had something to say but had no idea why he was still quiet“The were jaguar then. Jamie’s nephew.” Zhao said in that lazy drawl of his. His watery eyes flicked a gaze at Jake.“I mean, he has motive. He was banished.” Henri added too. His first words in the meeting.It was that moment that Jake knew he had to join in. “It was not Jas.” Jake said. The alpha wolf