Chapter 71

JAKE HAD WATCHED them go in circles for what seemed like eternity but was actually just 2 hours. The conversation had mainly been carried on by Preston, Drakys III and Faerie and Zhao.

Drakys had suggested a centaur absent-mindedly.

“A Centaur can’t take on an alpha werewolf on his territory.” Preston has countered. “Besides centaurs don’t just go on a killing spree.”

Faeries had said, agreeing with Preston. “None of you had any bad blood with the alpha, do you.”

There was shaking of heads all around the table.

Faerie yawned a dainty yawn. Jessica sat, unmoving, her peripheral vision watched the still form of Jake. She knew he had something to say but had no idea why he was still quiet

“The were jaguar then. Jamie’s nephew.” Zhao said in that lazy drawl of his. His watery eyes flicked a gaze at Jake.

“I mean, he has motive. He was banished.” Henri added too. His first words in the meeting.

It was that moment that Jake knew he had to join in. “It was not Jas.” Jake said. The alpha wolf
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