Chapter 103

As Storm's friends gathered around him, their curiosity was palpable. "What's so special about this book, Storm?" Erika asked, her eyes fixed on the black leather-bound volume.

Storm hesitated, unsure how much to reveal. But his friends' eager faces convinced him to share his discovery. "It's about the Power Orb," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Their eyes widened as they leaned in closer, their faces illuminated by the soft glow of the Library's lanterns. "The Power Orb?" Lucy repeated, her voice full of wonder.

As they began to read, their gasps and whispers filled the air. The book described the Orb's incredible powers, its ability to grant the user almost infinite magic, and its capacity to open the gates between Realms. The friends' eyes grew wider with each passing page, their minds reeling with the implications.

"This is impossible," Tana breathed, her eyes fixed on a passage describing the Orb's ability to control the gates. "No object can have that much power."

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