Chapter 116

Storm could be seen with a worried look etched on his face. He had ignored a lot of people and questions to avoid raising suspicions.

"I swear when I find her she'll regret it" Storm cursed as he marched around looking for Lucy.

As he rounded another corner nearly colliding with other students.Mr Bradley,the headmaster called to him,“Storm, everything alright?”

Storm barely slowed down,only offering a quick nod and a vague,“Just looking for someone sir”.He couldn't risk raising suspicions until it was confirmed that she was missing.

Storm already checked her usual spots,even the library while the others checked her room.Nothing.It was as if Lucy had vanished into thin air.The logical part of his brain tried to reason that she was probably fine and just got caught up in something and lost track of time but he couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong with her.

As he moved ahead to the school’s easy wing he saw a silhouette of someone running towards him.It was Lucy
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