Chapter 142

Lillian then rebuked Lucy, her voice no longer compassionate "Lucy, Storm is just a descendant. He didn't know of his family's sins. Even if he knew, there is no need for revenge. And even if you still want to pursue it, you should wait until everything is settled. Like I said before, he is the only one who would be able to defeat my father and get the orb back." Storm glanced at Lillian, she had so much faith in him but he didn't.

Lucy clenched her fists, her face a storm of conflicting emotions. "But you don't understand, Lillian. How can you stand there and defend him? His family... they took everything from me." Lucy's fingers trembled as she spoke remembering everything, "I was just a kid," she whispered to the quiet room, her voice barely louder than a breath. "Seven years old, we weren't rich but we were happy.We were playing hide and seek, me and my brothers. It was supposed to be fun." She paused, her eyes going far away as the past came into the present,tears fell from her e
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