On the level 56 region of Crimia, which was called the stinkiest region among all levels, there lived the Frankfurt family, also known as the great architects of destruction.

Felix, Eric, Herbert, Claudia, and Jurgen were just some of the names that were responsible for corrupting all civilizations around the world in the past century, so they could eventually replace everything with a new philosophy, a vampiric philosophy where the lives of humans were treated no different than cattle.

So, they started by destroying the family structure, by dividing the elders and the rest of the family, by making divorce and abortion as easy as possible, by creating schools that would create workers instead of entrepreneurs. And the list goes on.

Everything that would happen on the surface of the earth would happen in reverse on this level 56.

Men were dressed up as women and were treated as slaves by the female vampires that lived there. A normal human instinct would be to protect the children, but
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