Skyzone, also known as the District of Lights, was a floating district which was mainly used by the wealthy people of the country.

Moreover, it was one of the entertainment spots that the nobles loved to visit.

And one well-known fact was that nobody owned a single piece of land in that district as everything belonged to the emperor. And the governor of this district was a member of the royal family.

The second clone of Ulmer just reached the city using a flying vehicle. He identified himself as an outsider, but he refused to show his face at the border checkpoint. The guards called their captain.

“On whose invite have you come to our Syslon, sir?” the captain of the guards politely asked.

“I wasn’t invited by anybody,” Ulmer’s clone replied as he was not allowed to lie because of Dove’s condition. “I came here by myself.”

“Haha,” the guards laughed.

“It is impossible to break through the barrier surrounding the city,” the captain stated rather proudly. “So, tell me how you entered th
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