Chapter 274: The Nelson Family

"Why do you hesitate?" Jason's smooth baritone cut through the tension. "I meant every word. One kick landed true—now, let the beating commence!"

"Mr. Gray, have you taken leave of your senses?" Kelly cried out in alarm. "Bobby may be insufferable, but to strike the Nelson heir carries grave consequences! Let me handle this, lest you incur the wrath of that formidable family."

She had meant only to rid herself of Bobby's unwanted attentions, not provoke a conflict that could imperil even the esteemed Dr. Gray. The Nelsons brooked no insult to their towering legacy.

Yet before her protests could take form, Rodriguez's eyes seemed to blaze crimson as he launched another vicious kick into Bobby's midsection. The heir crumpled with a pained groan, only for the onslaught to escalate into a blind, furious beating.

"Madman, how dare you...agh, spare my face, you wretch!" Bobby shrieked amidst the flurry of blows raining down upon him. "You are all dead, do you hear? Dead men for laying hands
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