Chapter 284: A Miracle Unfolds

It represented her absolute ceiling, yet paled in stark comparison to the Butler and Wright offers. She harbored no delusions of success - Emily was no prodigy of commerce.

Even Susan shook her head, equally convinced such a bid would swiftly be obliterated beneath the avalanche of wealthier competitors.

Yet Jason's smile deepened with mysterious significance as the auctioneer's gavel abruptly fell, Jack's resounding declaration shattering the pandemonium.

"The Cook family bid is accepted!"


An eerie, tomblike silence descended upon the stunned hall as hundreds of voices found themselves rendered mute, eyes glazing with stupefied disbelief.

Emily herself could only gape, utterly dumbstruck. Had...had a miracle truly transpired?

'Twelve billion dollars?'

Not only the crowd, but Emily herself was dumbstruck, her visage etched with disbelief. Had it truly transpired? Was this not a mere phantasm of the mind? That such a paltry sum could secure triumph seemed implausible.

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