Chapter 289: Julia Struck Up a Conversation

Perceiving this, Leonard released his grip and, wholly unmoved by the horrified stares surrounding him, had his son's unconscious form removed before departing with an air of crisp finality.

Not a single recalcitrant word dared escape his lips, conveying an almost admirable decisiveness.

The witnesses could only shake their heads in stunned amazement, even Old Stewart and Julia Stewart registering their admiration. A true falcon among men – unafraid to soar or withdraw its talons.

Though Old Stewart professed the ability to humble Leonard Reed, never could he have compelled such an act through mere words. Yet Leonard had clearly scented the veiled warning therein and sought to appease Jason with abject apology and atonement.

It is worth noting that Old Stewart had never revealed Jason's tutelage under a Martial Saint, speaking volumes of Leonard's astute sensitivity to underlying currents.

"Mr. Gray, might I trouble you for a private word?" Old Stewart exhaled deeply before offering
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