Chapter 309: Martial Saint's Desire to Repay a Favor

The master he spoke of remained a shadowy enigma. Jason's sole impression was of profound mystery, ignorant of that elder's identity or current whereabouts.

That curative prowess, those arcane disciplines – all had issued from that source, whose mastery likely rivaled even Martial Saint's renown.

"Very well, I expected as much – you declined me once before, after all." Martial Saint shrugged dismissively. "But if you ever change your mind, you need only say the word."

"He...he actually refused? More than once?" Vulcan's mind reeled, utterly dumbstruck. To reject Martial Saint's offer of tutelage? Such folly defied comprehension!

Were word of this to spread, the outcry would be deafening – to spurn such a peerless opportunity branded one as woefully short-sighted, unworthy of the privilege.

To serve as Martial Saint's disciple eluded most; even tending to his most mundane needs would be an honor to die for!

"Enough of that. How did you come to be here? Wait – you witnessed the match?
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