Chapter 330: Are You Robbing Me?

Joel Morgan's expression soured. His deception had been exposed, leaving him no choice but to admit, "I acknowledge my errors, Master. Henceforth, I shall dedicate myself to the genuine study of medicine and refrain from such foolishness."

"Hmph. We'll address your transgressions later," Brooks retorted. "Now, take me to this Roger Cox. I wish to gauge his abilities against Lee divine physician's."

The casual mention of the revered Lee divine physician betrayed Brooks' own standing. Joel Morgan, however, failed to grasp the implication.

Had Lee divine physician been present, he too would likely have paid respects to Brooks as a junior, not daring to show the slightest disrespect.

The pair hailed a taxi, bound for Emerald City Hospital. The driver marveled at his passengers—two elderly gentlemen who exuded an otherworldly aura with their benevolent countenances, youthful complexions belying their silver hair, and the subtle fragrance of medicinal herbs. They were clearly extraordinary
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