Chapter 341: Mr. Lawrence's Boss

"No tricks, and don't even think about running. Otherwise, I'll wipe out the Martinez family first, then go collect my debt from the Brown family!" Cheetah snarled at Katherine Gonzales, Susan, and the others.

Only after he left did Katherine Gonzales hurriedly help Russell Martinez up, fussing over him. Suddenly, she turned on Mary Martinez and Susan, raging, "If anything happens to my son, no amount of money will be enough compensation!"

"And you'll reimburse me for my Huanghuali wood carving!"

Susan was livid. "How is any of this our fault? You practically dragged us here for this meal!"

She was about to argue further when her mother, Mary Martinez, pulled her back, urgently whispering, "This is our chance. We need to run. Once we're back in Emerald City, I doubt he'd dare come after us."

"Yes, yes, let's go quickly. Mount Jade is Cheetah's domain, but in Emerald City, he won't be so bold. We can have the Brown family deal with him then. He'll have no choice but to return everythin
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