Chapter 359: Auctions

Perhaps riding this wave of interest, several wealthy buyers began bidding fervently, quickly pushing the price to $3 million.

By Jason's estimate, $2 million would have been a high price for these red agate beads. The current bid far exceeded their value. The auction house clearly knew how to capitalize on trends.

At that moment, he noticed Gerald White enter, his face a mask of frost, eyes fixed coldly on Jason.

James Brown, who had been enjoying the spectacle, suddenly felt uncomfortable under that gaze. He shifted uneasily, unable to contain himself. "What did you say to him earlier? Why does he seem to hate you so much? Aren't you just causing trouble for yourself?"

Jason remained impassive. Indeed, he had deliberately provoked Gerald White, curious to see how Eldoria City's White family would react.

It had been some time since his return from Metropolis Central, and the White family had been suspiciously quiet, not even sending their usual assassins. He wondered what they were p
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