Emperor Evan wakes up hearing an immediate call from his butler demanding his presence.
He went to the palace's receiving area and there he found all his guests and subordinates waiting for him.
Then all of his officials gave their salute. Showing their full acceptance and reverence to him as their new emperor.
"Hail! The Great Emperor" they all exclaimed repeatedly.
"Please, Leave" he responded coldly as he turned around and left.
"How dense, " Duke Canon said.
Stephen, his butler, cried and appeared more touched than his master. Stating that even though it is not obvious, the emperor was truly happy.
Afterwards, all the other guests already left but the five officials will be staying.
Duke George Sheldon personally bid the princess goodbye.
Although he is not one of the main officials, that doesn't mean that he is not shouldering any of the concerns from high society. The duke is supposed to shoulder it since he is still Sheldon's family's eldest son. He just seems to be meek and tranquil and appears to be infatuated with the princess.
"You cannot have her if you're not pursuing her." he gave him a pat on the back then a push to leave.
But why doesn't he?
The next ceremony is going to take place. The emperor was reviewing the list of his officials, councillors, and governors that were all held next in position. Some can be changed and some cannot.
'The former emperor is no longer here but his patterns in the whole monarchy were still followed by everyone. What's the use of becoming the emperor then?' Emperor Evan thought.
There he saw the servants carrying bulks of items like ants outside.
"What are those?" He asked to see tons and tons of materials being carried nearby.
"There are your official's belongings, they will be residing here" he answered.
"What?" His low-toned and emotionless reaction.
He tosses the papers he was holding on the top of his desk and removes his reading glasses.
"Call them," he said with a deep sigh as he stood up and rushed outside to meet his subordinates.
The Imperial princess, being the overall overseer, faces the Emperor and gives him this explanation.
"According to the law, your main officials will be residing here at the palace to give their support and assistance. Mostly, that happens after they all accept you as their own worthy ruler." She said,
"Same as what the imperial princess has said, we will be your alliance" Prince Orion stated as he arrived with the other 3 officials.
"Who gave you the right to stay? Leave." He commanded bluntly in full authority.
"The law," Duke Cannon came forth lastly, insisting.
"I won't comply," the emperor said.
"You need to comply," Duke Oliver answered.
"The riches and resources you need for the whole economic cycle depend on the alliance you have with us. You cannot feed your people with pride." The duke explained.
The Silver Crest empire is like one body, the economic cycle and the alliance between every branch, sub-branches, and the Center Kingdom itself is the blood that streams into the whole system. It is required to make it alive. It's impossible to have the body without the blood the emperor will be collecting corpses in this dry land.
The emperor stood unmoved. His eyes turn to the prince Orion of Fidelphia.
"Prince Orion, you are my brother's pure cousin?" the emperor insisted. "Yesterday he attacked. How can I be assured that you are not gonna take his side and don't come invading mine?" He said.
"You are..." Prince Caster was about to react when he was interrupted by the emperor's next statement.
They were all speechless. The emperor has a point.
(Capital Letter means deeper emphasis)
Prince Orion smirks. "Well, you have a good point and A RIGHT TO DOUBT. So, WHAT IF? YOU ALLOW me to PROVE MYSELF TO YOU. Since you already PROVE YOURSELF TO ME."
"It is NOT RIGHT TO SUSPECT SOMEONE IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANY EVIDENCE OR PROOF. I WON'T TRAVEL ALL THE WAY HERE JUST TO END UP BEING EXECUTED because of such accusations. Yes, we came from the line of origin but IT DOESN'T MEAN that his purpose is my purpose." Prince Orion states his innocence.
The Royalties of Fidelpia, Prince Howard's mother, and Prince Orion's Father were siblings. Although Prince Orion is younger than Prince Howard, his Father, who is the first son according to the bloodline was formally and supposed to be the heir if ever the treaty doesn't exist.
It also makes Prince Orion the next heir to the throne, being the crown prince's son and being a crown prince himself but since the treaty exists he can no longer become king but rather an official to administer their branch of the empire.
While Princess Cherish was the one given into a political marriage with the former emperor.
The princess and his son are now part of the Royalty inside the Center Kingdom while Prince Orion stays as one of the royalties in his homeland.
Despite Prince Howard's exile back to Fidelphia, it won't change any of the given facts.
"Nonetheless, you passed and left everyone astounded. If you are going to be the emperor, it is much better than Howard. You've proven yourself worthy and that's what is important.
That's what we do, test the next ruler." He explained and smiled.
Those vain words came out of his mouth but instead of making the emperor cast him out. It stirs him and convinces him to change his mind. It is not just the harshness of the truth but the way the truth was still spoken even how harsh it is.
'He is an official who is bold, clever, and brave even though being careless with his words. If I am some other naive emperor. He's dead with his careless words for sure'
'Either way, the first expression lasts.' the emperor thought.
"I'll be your armor and defense, your highness. Although it depends on you if you will trust me. I'll give you my words, I won't kill you," he said.
These words unbelievably came out of his mouth. Being the armor and defense simply means protecting the empire and the emperor itself. The young prince utter's a knight's pledge that means he will even risk his own life and honor in fulfilling it.
There was a moment of silence before they heard a burst of sarcastic laughter coming from the emperor.
"Very well, stay alive though," Emperor Evan said.
Probably it was a young body with an old soul?
or a young body with a noble heart?
Without his title and identity, it's just words coming from a fresh lad who is trying to be serious.
The idea that he is still young and hasn't tasted the fullness of life yet wanted to risk it was a damn idea.
Also, young people change their minds and their emotions easily but the emperor responds in implicit sarcasm saying 'fine show me, don't end up eating these words that you uttered today in the near future.
And lastly, don't die.'
The emperor left but his interest in things around him increased.
It was the first time they all heard the locked-up prince laugh but it was in a sarcastic way.
Finally, everyone was at ease when he left the place. Probably his presence and the flow of the conversation have stunned everyone.
Prince Orion receives a pat on his back and head from his comrades.
"Good one," they said
"You are really a clever boy," Caster said.
The Prince tries to remove Caster's hand that pushes his head low.
The sound of wild horses on a grassland, wide marketplace, peaceful homes, large families, neighbors, and children laughing around the neighborhood.
A simple life of indigenous peoples. A beautiful place to grow.
Just one call can bring back all those beautiful memories just like a wonderful musical that drives you away from reality.
"Mateja, Dsso!" A voice of a young boy calling. It was Oran, the second child.
"Hidelga, Mateja, Dsso! Quick" he called again.
The girls hastily finish fixing their traditional hair dress and run descending the stairs.
A sound of a woman groaning in pain was heard inside their house. They waited outside the room as they peek to see this wonderful moment.
A cry was heard after a few minutes. "It's a boy!" The midwife affirms.
They were all overjoyed.
"You are Habi," their father said. "It means sewing"
It was the birth of their youngest sibling.
However, time goes so fast.
Few years after Hidelga was betrothed to a young man of another tribe named, Sur.
Everything happens so fast, now the older ones were very busy with the talks.
She is now engaged.
Hidelga was preparing the meal while taking care of her younger brother, Habi. Mateja and Dsso were braiding their long hair while Oran was outside learning the dagger.
Oran wants to be a threader but his family disapproves of it by saying that "trouble follows theaders" and Oran contradicts it saying that being a non-threader doesn't make us excused from troubles".
Although, it was totally hopeless not unless he was chosen by a weapon itself to be its own the reader.
One day, while she was watching her brother train all by himself he suddenly asked her a question. "Do you really want to marry early? you're just fifteen?" Oran said with his panting breaths.
"Why do you follow everything that they say? Don't you want to achieve something else that is outside that box?" He insisted.
"Maybe, a woman just wants simple things. We need to be obedient and take good care of our home," she said.
"Tsk, stupid," he said placing his dagger to its sheath as finishing.
"Don't settle too fast, don't trust too much" he said with his grumpy attitude.
His brother always has sharp words and blunt speech but sometimes he has a point and most of the time he is right.
'Somehow, I wanted to be like him' Hidelga thought.
But what can she do?
Disapprove? Rebel? What will she bring? Shame? Runaway? Where will she go?
Months later she was married and lives a peaceful life with her new husband.
It was all perfect until a year passed and now she is pregnant with their first child.
Then, the chief was poisoned and they were attacked by foreign people. It appears that they were sold and killed and anyone who fights back was all murdered.
And who does that scheme? Her Husband, Sur. In exchange for money, power, and position he had sold everything, even his own soul and even the life of his own child.
Hidelga had a miscarriage, her sisters and mother died in her arms and she was held captive by her Husband.
Even though she cried and begged her husband. Sur doesn't show any trace of concern, not even any guilt to her and even dares to sleep with other women in front of her.
Where are those peaceful moments? Is it all a big lie all along?
'Probably it was really like that all along? Has he ever loved me?' her question repeatedly resounded in her thoughts.
'Maybe there are things that you can't really change and things that seem to be real but not.'
'My unborn child what would he be? Would he be a boy or a girl? (I use he and his instead of he/she or his/her/him) What might be the sound of his voice? What does he look like? I eagerly want to hear the sound of his cry? Somehow, I wanted to feel him in my arms?'
Then some dying servant pitied this poor woman and broke the chains on her right foot to help her escape.
Running a little further with no point of return. She passed another town and entered a city then sold things she got from where she came from and changed her clothes and the color of her hair so no one would identify her.
'It's time to start a new life' she dazed at the sky.
"It was hopeless, you cannot have any access to the throne. If you had a son instead of a daughter." a voice said.
'It's still very clear in my mind, have I disappointed you because I am a girl?' a child's hazy thought.
"The Only Imperial Princess, the youngest child" the crowds welcome her.
"She's gentle and elegant, with such delicate beauty," they said.
Everyone was happy seeing her, even his own father but why is there someone who is not.
"Mother?" She muttered as a child.
"SYLVIA! ENOUGH OF YOUR INSOLENCE!" The former emperor exclaimed.
"She strangles her daughter. It's a miracle that the princess is still alive" the crowd mumbled.
"She even hurt her own child for power" gossips were heard all around.
"According to the law, anyone who started a rebellion against the emperor and the whole empire will be put to death," his counselor said.
"Send her away" The emperor commanded.
"But," he said.
'That image seems to bear things and hide love.'
'Father, you have never been a perfect man nor a perfect father but you've always tried your best to protect us' She thought.
'I always wonder if being a girl is a sin in this world. Are we weak? Am I weak? Mother?' She thought.
"From now on you're going to be my overall overseer. Since you're the only remaining woman in my house. You should take care of it." Emperor William declared facing his innocent youngest child.
"Even if this castle will have its new empress or queen mother, your position of an overall overseer and a soon-to-be Honorary Lady shall remain with you as long as you live" he added.
An overall overseer maintains the orderliness inside the castle such as the special cares, events, and even the position of guards and maids from the highest-ranking to the lowest ranking.
And soon everything will be all under her domain.
After the coronation of the crown prince, she will be held in the Honorary Lady position.
A position above all the servants, the hands and eyes over the Center kingdom, a decision along with the Emperor, and a voice that can go above the emperor itself.
A queen-chess piece.
The complex role that submits to the law and respects the Emperor in full reverence but has the authority to amend, null, or confirm any decisions or laws in effect especially if it will affect the people of the whole Center Kingdom.
Since the second prince doesn't have a mother inside the castle. She will be filling the role of that empty position while being the imperial princess.
Lady Sylvia, the princess' mother always wanted that position but since she has a daughter instead of a son. She will never have what she desires. So, she directed the blame and anger towards the young princess and hated the previous emperor that she even dared to start a rebellion.
"Is the Flower left in my castle just merely have thistle or poison?" The moment when the incoming emperor greeted his sister.
Thistle pertains to her identity, if she will be an ally or an enemy and poison pertains to the effect of the things she can do.
In short,she was acknowledged by the new emperor.
She will be a tough enemy if she goes against the emperor though.
"I brought you some new clothes." Hidelga pulled a black shirt from her market basket.
"Your white shirt suits you, but this one also does. What do you think?" she asked with a smile selecting from the clothes she had in her basket.
Emperor Evan now 'Leon' was just staring at her.
"Why are you doing this? You are keeping the emperor's soldier when the revolt is still at its peak and the ruler has gone missing. If you are caught hiding a person like me. You're dead" he asked.
"I just wanted to help you. I'll be doing this to others too. I just think everyone deserves to live." she said and smiled.
He glares at him. "You are a hypocrite," he uttered from the roots of guilt inside him in being a murderer.
She smiled at his offensive phrase. "Am I? (knowing that he was the one who save her when a stampede was about to kill her)"
'So you are a saint of denial or a noble with pride?' she thought.
"Doesn't your life matter to you or to anyone?" She asked.
'Your vain words mean nothing when you save me in return for saving you and keeping yourself from the praise of the good deed.' she thought.
The phrase 'everyone deserves to live' irritates him every time she says it, unaware of his past.
"When you fully recover, you can go but first you'll need something to protect you on your return like a talisman or a sword?" she added
"I'll bring you to our town's blacksmith. He is a friend of mine. I requested a piece of new cooking equipment last time," she said, bearing a smile again.
Hidelga brought her to his friend's place, Mr. Tim, a blacksmith.
While being busy with all the clanging, boiling, and cutting. They came requesting a talisman and a dagger.
"That's impossible young lady. You know I don't create such things anymore. Soldiers will presumably request weapons and talismans without even paying. So I've decided to quit creating one instead and focus on house equipment. Also the trade from Fidelphia utmost all the quality of weapons." his complaint.
Hidelga doesn't stop arguing with him though until he asks whom it is for.
She went beside a cloaked tall man that had been standing on the side ever since they entered his shop.
"Can you show me your face, mister?" he said.
Leon(The emperor) uncovers his head revealing his face to the blacksmith. Tim was dumbfounded when he saw the angelic face with his dazzling eyes.
"Young lady, would you go in the kitchen and help my wife and children to prepare the meal? I need to talk to this man if he is worthy of a weapon," he said creating an excuse.
Hidelga was puzzled but he followed his friend, thinking that having a man-to-man talk will change his mind.
The blacksmith went to his hidden items under the floor and opened it like a door.
"Are you worthy? or Am I worthy to create you a weapon?" he said.
"It is an honor, your highness"
"In this huge world, not all people have the chance to see the face of the Royalties; they often take the land without the people seeing them. I saw the late emperor and you resemble him so much that I would never be mistaken." Tim said, checking the vault.
"Besides, I heard that he has a son with quite a resemblance of him yet different eye features." He said facing him, having his hands moving in circular motion referring to the face.
Leon look around the place. "You came from Fidelphia" Leon said.
"I'm not surprised you noticed, Sir," he said as he stood up and bowed to give a salute to the emperor.
"Being a Fidelphian, I have the pride in my own creation in having its best quality but I was out of my homeland for so long that I only know the traditional way of creating a weapon, and also I haven't created such items for years. If you want, these are my stored items." Showing it to him.
"Also, I really don't think you need any swords or talisman, your highness," he said, hearing about how the emperor defeated his main officials and fought the rebels.
"Give me a small dagger and a talisman that can protect that lady from sacred weapons," he commanded.
After they have their meal in that house.
The Emperor and all his battle men were all preparing. Then a small figure approached him personally.
"I want you to have this, I made it." Prince Orion said.
"We really have this conclusion that the previous emperor doesn't want to make him an heir in the first place because he's like giving away his empire to our country," The young prince said.
He gives him a black thin metallic wristband with a black bead that looks like an eye.
He made it with the use of his sacred weapon, the Metal Frost. It is a silver ring sacred weapon with a sapphire stone. It is a create-treasure type that can merge substances and create artifacts, weapons, armors, and even insert any special abilities if the threader wants to.
"My cousin has Jonathan. He has the falcon's eye sacred weapon, with the use of this he won't be able to find, relocate or track you down" he said.
"The center stone is called the blind spot. He will not be able to find you or peek into your business," he added.
"I know my cousin won't stop until he's sure that you're dead," he said.
"I have given you my oath, your highness. You are the emperor that I have chosen" Prince Orion said in full pledge and sincerity.
He smiled, it seems like the oath he has spoken on his first day is not just an empty statement, "I'll give you a favor one day." He said.
"Stay alive though," he said to the young prince.
"Don't worry about it. I'm pureblood. I'll live" he smirked.
He wears the metallic wristband and pats the young prince's head and leaves.
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The pot of soup was about to boil. The blacksmith's wife, Saray, transfers from one place to another and then asks her 7 years old daughter to prepare the table while Hidelga was taking care of the baby.It was a relief that he didn't cry a lot especially when Hidelga was holding him. She caresses his little hand and his chunky blushed cheeks. 'Right, the weather is getting cold that's why he's blushing this way' she thought with a smile.'Darling, if you're alive. Would you be like this?' she thought letting her fingertips move gently up to the baby's forehead."Hidelga?" the blacksmith's wife called her."Uh, Saray" her response.Saray gets puzzled by the scene that she is seeing right now. She repeated what she said that Hidelga misheard because she was
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After he brought January back to her room he returned to his. Then suddenly multiple voices that speak as one came up from within him 'Are you ready, emperor?' Evan smirked, 'Seems like you are one of the few left who acknowledges me as the emperor' Leon thought sarcastically. 'You have finally spoken again after the east coast incident' he added. It was the voice of the Whispering Paradox inside him. 'What's the weapon behind this?' He asked. He was fixing his dagger on the table. (the talisman was given to Hidelga) 'The King of Illusions, the Reality Disruptor, 'Ludus no Psyche' it stated. 'How can I defeat it?' he asked. 'There's no way to defe
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When Sur regains his consciousness. He found himself tied up inside an abandoned storehouse. He shouted from the top of his lungs asking for help."Scream all you want no one will hear you," Leon said.There he saw the same man who came last night and beat him all up."You're a dog of some high official" Leon stated while looking at his brooch. The emperor smirked and said. "That's why you didn't even recognize me"Sur was all confused and trembling in exaggerated fear."Your two assistants were both dead." He said"Start pleading for your life," he added.and that day Sur lost his life.While on the other hand at the Center
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Again rest time came, Hidelga was unable to sleep again. She went to the deck and gazed from the distance, wondering."You're bothered?" Leon askedHe leans on the metal handrails crossing his arms.She shook her head to say no and utter "I probably feel something was not right again." she explained. "Perhaps something Melancholic" she added.Leon was silent waiting for her further statement."It feels like I forgot something important," she said, confessing."Perhaps, It needs to be forgotten for a reason," he said. He came near her and pointed his pointer on her forehead. "Note this in your head," he said, "that you have all the right to have your peace of mind".She smiled and sighed in ease turnin
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The eternal threader of light and darkness do not counterfeit each other but balance each other.The appearance of the threader of darkness is the reappearance of the threader of light. The rebuilding and the destruction. The Chaos and Serenity.When darkness awakens, chaos begins. When things are at peace the light roams around in freedom.In the center kingdom, after the 5 officials submitted the finished data for finalization.The Duke confronts his cousin about the emperor's marriage.The empire has certain parties that the emperor should unite and dominate but that wouldn't be possible if he is unwilling to comply with the rules.He needs to expand his control and reach the other branches to prevent the falling away of every part because an isolated land will be a big thr
The Sacred Empire   Chapter 11: The City of Masquerades
Hidelga was now conscious. "Where am I? What happened?" She muttered.The last thing she remembers is, she was inside the store buying the last remaining item on the list.There's a man who ended up arguing with the storekeeper. She helped to fix the misunderstanding.He thanked her and they had a very short conversation introducing themselves when he showed something to her and it popped in front of her face.`Am I kidnapped?' She thought not sure of what had happened"You're awake," Kei said.He smiled.The temple city was one of the most beautiful and peaceful cities in the empire. It is also the biggest so probably Leon will have a hard time looking for her in this sort of place."You passed out, miss,"
Latest Chapter
Chapter 13: Secrets
The emperor accepted the five brides but did not meet anyone on the first night. The rumor of him being impotent, homosexual, and genophobic spreads all around the center kingdom however no one dared to speak openly because of the fear of him. When someone was caught doing so that person was punished for slandering him. He finally spoke. "I have a certain illness!!" He exclaimed. Everyone was astounded, even the duke. 'So it is true after all' the duke thought. "If anyone can cure me," he said. "I WILL MAKE THE LADY OF THAT FAMILY MY EMPRESS AND SHE WILL BORE MY HEIR, EVEN IT IS A MALE HEIR OR A FEMALE HEIR," he said emphasizing his condition. He agrees in accepting the consorts but he is unwilling and secondary to the Will of the Honorary Lady. The princess covered her face, exhausted from this game. Time is ticking, the plaque on the western region is spreading towards the east, it's getting worse. He sent his Plant threaders, healers, and diviners to help the civilians to
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Days after Hidelga found Leon from the east coast incident.He is frequently hard-headed. She was still dealing with his grumpy attitude and irrational mistrust.Especially after hearing the news that the emperor's officials made another revolt against the first prince.It made him lose his appetite and even go into hysteria."You haven't eaten yet nor touched your medicine. If you want to go back to the battlefield, you must recover first" she complained.Knowing that he was a soldier of the emperor."Don't tell me what to do," he said rudely.'What a stu*pd woman' he thought.Everyday his subordinates make their move to desperately take the empire back. He doubted them before but now even in his absence, t
Chapter 11: The City of Masquerades
Hidelga was now conscious. "Where am I? What happened?" She muttered.The last thing she remembers is, she was inside the store buying the last remaining item on the list.There's a man who ended up arguing with the storekeeper. She helped to fix the misunderstanding.He thanked her and they had a very short conversation introducing themselves when he showed something to her and it popped in front of her face.`Am I kidnapped?' She thought not sure of what had happened"You're awake," Kei said.He smiled.The temple city was one of the most beautiful and peaceful cities in the empire. It is also the biggest so probably Leon will have a hard time looking for her in this sort of place."You passed out, miss,"
Chapter 10: Flaws and Figures
The eternal threader of light and darkness do not counterfeit each other but balance each other.The appearance of the threader of darkness is the reappearance of the threader of light. The rebuilding and the destruction. The Chaos and Serenity.When darkness awakens, chaos begins. When things are at peace the light roams around in freedom.In the center kingdom, after the 5 officials submitted the finished data for finalization.The Duke confronts his cousin about the emperor's marriage.The empire has certain parties that the emperor should unite and dominate but that wouldn't be possible if he is unwilling to comply with the rules.He needs to expand his control and reach the other branches to prevent the falling away of every part because an isolated land will be a big thr
Chapter 9: Deception
Again rest time came, Hidelga was unable to sleep again. She went to the deck and gazed from the distance, wondering."You're bothered?" Leon askedHe leans on the metal handrails crossing his arms.She shook her head to say no and utter "I probably feel something was not right again." she explained. "Perhaps something Melancholic" she added.Leon was silent waiting for her further statement."It feels like I forgot something important," she said, confessing."Perhaps, It needs to be forgotten for a reason," he said. He came near her and pointed his pointer on her forehead. "Note this in your head," he said, "that you have all the right to have your peace of mind".She smiled and sighed in ease turnin
Chapter 8: Collections
When Sur regains his consciousness. He found himself tied up inside an abandoned storehouse. He shouted from the top of his lungs asking for help."Scream all you want no one will hear you," Leon said.There he saw the same man who came last night and beat him all up."You're a dog of some high official" Leon stated while looking at his brooch. The emperor smirked and said. "That's why you didn't even recognize me"Sur was all confused and trembling in exaggerated fear."Your two assistants were both dead." He said"Start pleading for your life," he added.and that day Sur lost his life.While on the other hand at the Center
Chapter 7: Playing with the Mind
After he brought January back to her room he returned to his. Then suddenly multiple voices that speak as one came up from within him 'Are you ready, emperor?' Evan smirked, 'Seems like you are one of the few left who acknowledges me as the emperor' Leon thought sarcastically. 'You have finally spoken again after the east coast incident' he added. It was the voice of the Whispering Paradox inside him. 'What's the weapon behind this?' He asked. He was fixing his dagger on the table. (the talisman was given to Hidelga) 'The King of Illusions, the Reality Disruptor, 'Ludus no Psyche' it stated. 'How can I defeat it?' he asked. 'There's no way to defe
Chapter 6: Trust and Betrayal
Hidelga cannot fight back anymore, she was all tired of struggling since Sur entered her door, now it's Leon.So instead of struggling for her to be released, she just let it take over and wait until it is all done.Leon's hands slid to her face, her head, her hair, her neck, and nape, then her arms then after sliding encircling her waist and to her back. Then he drew his body closer to hers until she was fully and totally enclosed within his arms and against his frame.Then slowly he pulled back separating his lips from hers, Hidelga stoop covering it.'It's just a kiss... A very.... long..... hot kiss'At that very moment, she didn't have anything in her mind and was speechless.Then he came
Chapter 5: Captives
(May contain violent scenes)He was walking from the town to the deepest part of the woods.The thoughts about Hidelga keep running into his mind not because she kissed him, that's not a big deal for a 24-year-old emperor. It is the after-effect of what she did. She deals with the writhing pain that he was suffering for years in just a second.He suddenly stops. 'I shouldn't return empty-handed.' he thought._________________________At the Center kingdom where the Ceremony was held. All the priests and priestesses gathered including some selected visitors. The place was designed with white, themed with the touch of brown and ornaments of gold.In each each corner, there were choristers assigned when the ceremony begins all of them will sing and a h