Chapter Five

It's been thirty minutes since Chris was taken to the hospital, but Morris stood there, with his car keys on his hand as he wondered if he should follow the ambulance.

Suddenly, a cough from Ivan caused Morris's eyes to widen in shock as he ran towards his child. 

"What happened Ivan?" Morris asked touching Ivan's hands and they were cold. 

"I think I've caught a cold." Ivan muttered.

This made Morris even more bitter towards Chris. His gaze traced the wheels mark on the snow and he frowned. 

"It's all because of that dimwit. You have been out here for quite a while." He drew Ivan in for a hug.

"I told you that boy hates your son. He always find a way to hurt my child. Ivan haven't even recovered from the fall, now he wants him to freeze to death." Teresa didn't forget to throw in more spite. 

When she saw Morris with his car keys earlier, about going to the hospital, it made her insides turn. She couldn't think of anything to stop him, but thanks to Ivan's sickness, Morris would have to stay home to care for his child.

'Chris should be abandoned in the hospital. It only served him right.'

 Morris kept the car keys back in his pocket, and started warming Ivan's hands. Teresa sneered, swiping her tongue against her lips as her brows raised in excitement. 

"Dad, don't worry about me. I will be fine. I'm sure Chris needs you at the hospital." Ivan pouted. 

Not in a million years would he feel pity for Chris.

Ivan feigned tears as they trickled down his lips, suddenly he sneezed.

"I think he is getting worse." Teresa panicked. She touched Ivan's head for his temperature but he felt normal, but then-

"He is really cold Morris." Teresa pretended that Ivan was ill.

"I will have to take Ivan to the hospital." Morris took a deep breath.

He pressed down on his car keys and held onto Ivan's wrist as he turned to him, "You are going to be much better when we get to the hospital." 

"It's okay dad. I really don't need to go to the hospital. I will be fine at home." Ivan's eyes were reddened. 

"Don't say such things." Teresa snapped at Ivan.

"Do you think your dad would be okay leaving you here while he is away taking care of someone who almost killed you?" Teresa snarled.

When she spat out those words, there was only regret that clouded Morris's mind. 

If only he never had Chris, today would have been just like every other day. 

But Chris somehow always knew how to make things hectic for him. 

He had spent money buying off the doctor, and he was going to spend money for Chris's treatment. 

And to think that Ivan have fallen sick, because of Chris's inability to apologize caused Morris to think Chris deserved what he got.

"I won't go to the hospital. Chris asked for what he got. Ivan, let's go inside and get you some drugs." Morris assisted Ivan inside the house. 

Teresa heaved a sigh of relief, for a moment she had thought Morris would change his mind and go to the hospital. 

"Where is Ivan's drugs?" Morris asked.

"Give me a minute." Teresa brought the drugs from the kitchen and administered it to Ivan.

Morris waited in Ivan's room until he fell asleep. He then sneaked out of the room hoping not to wake Ivan. 

Immediately Morris left, Ivan's eyes peeled open. He turned on the bedside lamb as he stared at the door cheerfully.

"I hope you die at the hospital." He snarled thinking about Chris.

Ivan wasn't cold. He faked his sickness just to make sure Morris stayed back at home leaving Chris for dead.

If the doctor waited for Chris's father before they administer any treatment to him, Ivan was so certain that Chris would not survive it.

This thought made relief rush through his body. Finally, he would never have to deal with a rival against Morris's enormous amount of wealth.


Morris walked into his bedroom. His phone rang, but when he saw that it was the hospital, he hesitated.

"What good is it? It's not as if they need you before they can treat him. Why are they disturbing?" Teresa rolled her eyes. 

"Are you not sure it's that good for nothing boy asking them to call you. He hasn't learnt his lesson?" She snarled.

"Didn't he collapse?" Morris was furious.

"Who knows, he might just be good at playing pretend like his mother." Teresa added.

Morris switched his phone off and then climbed on the bed, "He should stay there till morning. It's not as if he will die. Perhaps there are professionals there." 

These words reminded Teresa that indeed, there was a chance for Chris to survive. It caused a frown to appear on her face and unconsciously she muttered-

"Survive? I hope he dies there. What use is he of? He only makes things harder and cause Ivan troubles. There is no good for him even coming back here." 

Morris didn't utter a word as if validating her grudge against his son. 

"As long as Ivan is okay." Morris finally muttered.

"Of course, nothing will happen to my son." Teresa hugged Morris from behind and then said,

"I'm craving late night snacks, do you want hot chocolate?"

"Yes. How about your most delicious cookies to go with it?" Morris smiled at Teresa.

"Of course." Their lips widened in excitement.


At the hospital...

The ambulance stopped at the entrance, and Chris was instantly pulled out of the ambulance and rushed to the emergency ward. 

The doctor stood behind for a moment, waiting for Chris's father, but twenty minutes past since they arrived and Morris was nowhere to be found.

A nurse ran out of the ER to the paramedic who had brought Chris to the hospital.

"Doctor, the patient guardian need to sign the document. The child doesn't seem to be doing great."

The doctor stared at the gate again, but Morris wasn't forth coming. The little hope he had faded. Then he said, "Let me give him a call." 

He walked to the reception and asked, "Didn't Morris Adams visit the hospital yesterday?" 

"Let me check." The nurse responded. She checked her computer and found the details of Ivan's treatment.

"Yes, he was here for his son yesterday." The nurse said to the doctor.

"Place a call to him and let him know he needs to hurry up to the hospital. We need his presence for Chris." 

The nurse nodded and placed a call through, but Morris didn't respond.

She placed a call again but this time the phone seemed to be off. 

"His number is unreachable." The nurse bite her lips.

"Are you sure?" The doctor was surprised, "Didn't it ring earlier?"

"Yes it did, but the phone suddenly went off sir." 

The doctor scoffed. After what he had witnessed earlier at the Adam's residence, he wasn't surprised by Morris action.

Abandoning his child in the hospital was definitely less worse than leaving him unconscious on the snow. 

"Doctor, the child isn't responding." A nurse said to him and immediately he ran with her to the emergency ward.

"What's going on here?" He asked, but when he got there, another doctor was performing the CPR on Chris.

After a series of CPR, Chris was finally breathing.

"Where is the patient guardian?" The doctor who had performed the CPR shouted but the nurses face turned pale.

When he looked at the paramedic he frowned, "Did the guardian not follow you to the hospital?" 

The paramedic didn't answer. He lowered his head in shame, and it only made the doctor flared up in anger.

"The child is loosing blood. We need to check his blood type and then find a match. It's much better if the child's guardian is here." The doctor stared at Chris on the bed for a moment then he nodded.

"Draw his blood, let's save him first." 

The nurses were quick and drew some blood from Chris.

They tested for any disease as well as his blood type but when the results came out, the paramedic took it upon himself to follow up with Chris as he felt guilty for the bribe he had received from Morris. 

"Is the result ready?" He asked the attending nurse in the lab who was staring at the results.

"It's a rare blood type." The nurse mumbled.

"What blood type is it?" The paramedic was getting paranoid. 

It was worse that Chris's guardian wasn't here, but having a rare blood type would make his treatment delay further.

"It's AB negative. How's this possible? We rarely have patients with this blood type." The nurse couldn't stop muttering. 

The doctor from the emergency ward walked in on them, when he heard them mumbling with the test results on the nurse's hand, he was even more furious.

"Why are you still standing here when you're supposed to go give that child some blood?"

The paramedic couldn't say a word, he gave the results to the doctor and the doctor's brows furrowed instantly.

"A rare blood?" He shouted rubbing his brows to somehow calm his nerves. "Do we have this available?"

"No, we don't." 

When the doctor looked at the results again, he realized that there might be hope for the boy.

"Isn't this the same blood type the director has been searching for?" 


In a luxurious villa, made of glass and the floor as transparent as the highest quality tiles. 

The villa was decorated with blue and grey aesthetic. It was quite simple yet elegant and easing and easy on the eyes.

There was an old man seated on the dinning. Despite being slightly overweight for his height, the skin of his jawline had dropped revealing his old age.

He stared into space, his eyes were swollen and red, as if the only thing he ever did was cry his eyes out. 

"Sir your breakfast." The maid placed different meals on the dinning but when he looked at them, he became even more furious.

"Is this all you people know how to do?" He threw the plates away and they shattered on the floor. 

"None of you can do your job properly." He screamed at them.

The staffs froze immediately, and not a word escaped their lips. They seemed to be used to the old man's nagging.

"Any news from the police?" He asked as he frowned at them but none of them answered.

"You are all incompetent." He screamed again and just as he was about to stand, the butler came running.

"Sir..." There was a sense of urgency in his tone. "There is good news."

The old man's fragile heart started beating erratically. His grip on the chair tightened and his eyes welled up immediately as he waited for the butler to give him the news.

"The director called, they finally found a match. There's someone with the same blood type." The butler almost broke down in tears seeing how the old man removed his medicated glasses.

"My daughter?" The man muttered in agony.

"We finally have the clue for our noble lady." 

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