Chapter Six

The old man couldn't describe how he felt when he heard the news.

He sat down and squeezed his hands on his silk nightmare.

The painful memory of losing his daughter tore him from within. He could still clearly remember the last day he had seen her. 

Her tiny voice echoed in the house as she waved at him, "Goodbye dad, see you soon." 

He shouldn't have said those words back. They've tormented him for the longest time but now finally, he will meet his daughter again.

A wide smile appeared on his lips. Despite his teary eyes, the man's heart suddenly felt light.

But when he noticed everyone was still standing, and not in any form making haste for him to meet his daughter, he furrowed his brows and his bright eyes instantly darkened.

"What the hell are you people still doing here?" He yelled at his employees. "Prepare the helicopter, we will arrive at the hospital in thirty minutes."

The employees quickly walked away to make preparations. As the man stood up, he felt his legs trembling and for a minute he couldn't walk properly. 

He was elated so much that his body was still quivering from the good news.

His caregiver rushed to him and assisted him as they walked to the man's bedroom. 

"Sir..." The Butler tried to stop the old man as though he hadn't given all the news yet, but when the man didn't hear him, for some reason the Butler thought to hold back for a few more minutes.

The Butler accompanied them to the bedroom. He was oddly quiet and when the old man teared up, his heart broke.

The Butler was one of the oldest employees in the villa. He had watched the man's daughter grow from a teenager to being a beautiful young woman. 

He watched how much the old man had suffered since his daughter's disappearance. And how much the man had been secluded for years without engaging even in the company's activities.

It broke his heart, so much that he found the rest of the information hard to pass across to the man. 

"What will I put on?" The man giggled and then passed his hands through his wardrobe.

A tear rolled down the man's cheeks as his hand passed through the numerous expensive clothes hung in a closet big enough to occupy fifty more people.

He stopped at the white coat and a blue turtleneck sweatshirt his daughter loved.

"Dad, blue certainly is your color." She giggled. Her smile was the prettiest of all smiles.

It was winter at the time. They had taken an evening stroll when she suddenly stopped him to take a picture. 

She had a habit of taking pictures, ever since her mother died and there were no memories of her.

She brought out an old camera that was given to her by her mother on her deathbed. She stood a few meters away from her father as she captured his photo. 

"Perfect." She showed him the photo and they laughed. She then suddenly went silent. When the man looked at his daughter, she was holding a designer shopping bag.

"Here's a coat for you, Dad, always pair it with this blue sweatshirt, it's a perfect match. Merry Christmas." She gave him the white coat as a Christmas present and then hugged him. When he put on the coat, she took another photo of him. 

And then they took some photos together. 

That was the last Christmas they spent together before her disappearance.

The pictures now hung on the walls of his bedroom, even in the closet there were pictures she had randomly taken of them.

There was a picture of them making lunch together, and another of them walking the dogs in the park.

The memories brought tears to his eyes. He caressed the material of the coat. He hasn't worn it since that day, twenty years ago. 

The white cashmere material still felt as good as new. The blue sweatshirt was attached to the white coat. 

"I'm wearing this." The bittersweet memories of that night made the combination a perfect fit for today

 They would meet again, in the same outfit as they wore the last time he ever laid eyes on her. 

The caregiver instantly took the clothes out of the hanger and assisted the man in dressing up.

"Congratulations sir." The caregiver smiled and said, "Finally, the Lady of the house has been found."

When Helena got missing years ago, they had searched everywhere looking for her but she was nowhere to be found. It was as though she disappeared into thin air.

Whenever there was news about a fatal accident on the news, he'd go to the hospital asking them if a blood type of AB negative was found.

But she wasn't found. 

It was a rare blood type that was only present in about one percent of the world's population. He instructed all hospitals to instruct him if they ever find a patient with an AB negative blood type. 

The old man, being a popular figure and a world renowned businessman, and was the CEO and founder of White's Group. 

He announced the disappearance of his daughter and even placed a ransom on her head for anyone who was able to find her.

There was a series of false claims, and it went on and on for years until he grew older and weak. 

After getting dressed, he noticed that the Butler was oddly spacing out.

The butler hung his head, looking rather pale. There was a momentary silence, as the old man stared at the butler.

"Is there something else on your mind?" He asked, staring at Butler's ghastly pale face.

"The hospital said the patient is a man." The Butler shuttered.

"A man?" The old man gripped the Butler with overwhelming force. His fingers tightened onto the man's collar. 

"What do you mean?" The old man's eyes reddened as he flared up in anger.

"I'm sorry sir, they said a young boy was admired and he had the same blood type." The butler struggled to force the words out as the grip on his collar made it difficult for him to speak.

"A boy?" 

The fury that ran through the man's veins suddenly disappeared as he wondered how young the boy was.

"How old is he?" Lord sergeant asked.

"He is eighteen years old, sir." 

Helena has been missing for twenty years. Was it possible that the boy was her son?'

These thoughts hovered Lord sergeant's mind. He was frozen for a moment, what if he is nothing but a stranger.

Over the past twenty years, he has been greatly disappointed whenever he received a tip only to find out it was false news.

"There would be no harm from visiting." The Butler tried to encourage him.

"Let's leave for the hospital at once." He walked out of the closet.

In less than an hour, the helicopter landed on the hospital's rooftop.

Immediately Lord sergeant climbed down, the director and the management team of the hospital were present to welcome him.

The White's group not only contributed enormously to the hospital's research program, but they owned it.

"Where is he?" 

"This way sir." They lead him to the hospital.

Immediately the elevator door opened to the tenth floor, the nurses and patient were in utter shock.

Lord Sergeant was famous, despite his old age and seclusion for the past few years, he was still greatly recognized by a good amount of people. 

They arrived at Chris's ward. The doctor treating Chris was standing just right outside Chris's ward. 

Chris was at the verge of dying. The blood transfusion was yet to be made. 

When Lord Sergeant saw Chris, he froze instantly.

There was a striking resemblance to Helena. Brunette hair, same facial structure, and fair skin.

He walked into the ward with teary eyes and sat beside Chris. 

Chris was so tiny for his age. His collar bones were visible, as well as his ribcage. When Lord Sergeant passed his hand through Chris's hair, he noticed the scars on his body.

There were countless scars on his face. His ears were ripped at the top, and there were skin reactions on his neck.

When he looked at Chris's fingers, they were rough and dark, as if he was used to doing heavy domestic labor. 

"What happened to him? Was he in an accident?" Lord Sergeant frowned at the doctors.

They all turned towards the paramedic who was standing by the door.

"What happened to him?" The director asked the paramedic but he was stunned and didn't dare utter any words.

The doctors then dragged him forward. 

The paramedic froze and was quivering. He never knew that Chris would turn out to be Lord Sergeant grandson.

"So you suddenly don't have a tongue?" Lord Sergeant fumed with anger as he stood on his feet.

"We brought him here from the Adam's family." The paramedic finally responded.

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