Chapter 85 - Goblin Fortress (3)

"What happened at that time was something that someone among the Rozental siblings did.", Eren murmured thinking about the incident that happened at the dungeon that he previously entered.

There is no doubt about it as Arden von Rozental himself confirmed the fact. It made Eren fearful every time he entered a dungeon.

But the situation was different now, Eren found solace in his sister-in-law, Teressa's assurance. She had promised to shield him from prying eyes for a year, allowing him to focus on his own path. But he knew all too well that unexpected threats could emerge at any moment, lurking in the shadows like the downtown incident that had shaken their lives not long ago.

The question lingered in Eren's mind: should he make a move, considering the precarious circumstances? The answer resonated within him, a resolute affirmation that he couldn't simply stay idle and cower in fear. Cautiousness was essential, but hiding like a coward was not an option he could entertain.

"Just beca
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