142. Micheal is not dead

Days turned to night and things were not going well with the Slytherin nor with the Caribbean enterprise, the company clash became a more brutal war, especially after the death of Micheal Hudson.

Without any logical evidence, Williams concluded that the Slytherins had everything to do with the death of his son and no one could tell him otherwise.

He went as far as suing the Slytherins for murder, but as powerful as the Slytherins were, proper investigations needed to be carried out before the arrest. And in this case, the Slytherin Empire had the upper hand and no action was taken.

Oscar was already sick and tired of the travels. Within the past week, he has visited five top political officials, people he never thought he'd meet in his lifetime.

He spent more money than he had ever spent all his life, trying to solve the problem at hand, leaving the Slytherin experts to deal with William Hudson, but the suspension was yet to be reconsidered and he never thought it was going to be
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