150. Trespassing.

As he walked into the Slytherin mansion, Nigel couldn't believe his eyes, it looked as if they lived on an entirely different planet because their home was just grand both inside and out.

For a moment, he wished to become a member of the family, just so he could visit the mansion every day or even live there. But his admiration of the mansion was cut short when the voice of a young man called his attention from behind.

"Please sit down," He said and Nigel nodded before taking his seat on the sofa, waiting for them to attend to him as soon as they could.

Mark came to him in less than five minutes and he submitted the papers. Mark signed on to other blank spaces and spent a lot of time reviewing the information on the documents.

It has a lot to do with Nigel's contributions to the company handed down directly from the managing director at the London branch, and it was meant to help Mark determine what kind of promotion Nigel was to be given.

After accessing the information, which
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