Russell had promised Kyra that he would not focus on Tuna Waves, so he picked Irene to be the new manager.

It was a big gamble, but Russell was willing to risk it because Irene was Jessica’s best friend. He didn’t know all that much about Irene, but he knew enough to know that she was a competent woman, and also Jessica wouldn’t just become friends with just about anybody.

However, Russell’s actions were taken the wrong way by Irene who thought that he was trying to buy her off by promoting her to the manager post.

Russell called Irene to his office.

“I’m not going to come to this hotel for a while,” Russell told her.

“Why?” she asked. “If you don’t come to work, then how am I supposed to handle the hotel by myself? I don’t even know what tasks a manager does.”

“You’ve already seen Seth work, and I’ll allot a retired manager to give you live counsel for the next month,” Russell said. “As you work, he or she will guide you along, so you don’t have anything to worry about.”

Irene now fe
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