Russell’s body was lowered in a way that made things easy for Denver. All he needed to do was raise his hand and meet Russell’s cheek, and he did that in an emphatic fashion with no hesitation whatsoever.

This resulted in a slap so harsh and loud every customer in that wing stopped eating and looked in their direction.

Russell touched his cheek in absolute shock. He might have expected Denver to be rude, but he definitely was not expecting such aggressive behavior.

Before Russell could ask why he was hit, Denver began hissing, “What sort of a waiter are you? Don’t you even know how to prepare the table for the customers?”

“What wrong did I do?” Russell still looked clueless.

“You still don’t get it?” Denver pointed his finger downward. “Look under the table. What’s that leaf doing down there?”

“L-Leaf?” Russell looked carefully, and yes, there was indeed a random leaf, but it was just a mere leaf, so why did he need to make a big ruckus out of it other than to purposely humiliate Russ
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