Chapter 55

Epic 55

Kyrian went home immediately, Mr Bola was in his working room, going over some documents. When Kyrian entered the room, his father looked up, a stern expression on his face.

"What is it, Kyrian?" he asked, clearly not in the mood for distractions.

"Father, I need to talk to you about Timi," Kyrian said. "I think we need to get him to a better hospital, one that has the resources to take care of him. He's not getting the treatment he needs here."

The father sighed, and put down his pen. "What are you suggesting?" he asked, giving Kyrian his full attention. "You know we have some of the best doctors in the country here. Are you saying that's not enough?"

Kyrian nodded. "I'm not saying they're not good," he said. "But Timi's condition is serious, and I don't think we can afford to take any chances. There's a hospital in London that has a team of specialists who are experts in this type of thing. I think we need to get him there."

The father considered this for a moment, his brow
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