Chapter 74

Epic 74

As the hours crept by, exhaustion crept over the detectives like a heavy blanket. They knew they couldn't keep going like this, not without sleep, not without food.

"Let's call it a night," Jasmine said, her voice heavy with resignation. "We're not going to make any progress if we're running on fumes. We need to rest and regroup. And maybe by morning, we'll have a fresh perspective."

Kyrian nodded, his eyes hooded with fatigue. "You're right. Timi, do you think you can keep digging into John's case files?

Timi nodded, his movements slow and deliberate. "Yeah, I'll stay here. I'll see if there's anything we've missed. You two go home and get some sleep. Maybe we'll have more luck tomorrow."

“Don't stay too long bro”. Kyrian muttered.

With that, Jasmine and Kyrian bid Timi goodnight, their footsteps echoing through the empty halls of the precinct. Outside, the night air was crisp, but the chill couldn't cut through the fog of exhaustion that clung to them.

"Maybe we're in over o
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