chapter 14


My world reflected before me as cold tears covered my eyes, the area became rowdy as I kept looking back to see Mr. Ken. My tears blurred my vision as I ran for safety, went to a nearby abandoned kiosk and sat, with many thoughts in my head. Who do I even know? Where do I go from here? I managed to trek down to one of the barracks that was close to my vicinity, I sat looking at their big emblem that was mounted on top of the building, different army officers passed while asking me so many questions but I didn't utter a word to them, soon I slept off in front of the gate.

I woke up in a luxurious apartment, with a fancy chandelier with a blue light shining on me. It was as if the cloud was so close that I could even touch it. I was wondering where I was as I stepped down to the ceramic floor and went towards the room door. I couldn't see any other thing, the outside was very dark, extremely dark that I got scared and ran back inside.

Soon, Mr. Ken walked in with a smile, while h
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