In the urbanized city of East Alley, a beautiful city in New York. it was evening already, and the cool wind blew to and fro, into the wide streets of the city and into East Alley. The sun was blazing hot and the clouds were lit and made way for the radiating energy of the sun unto the city.
In one of the most beautiful mansion in East Alley, a group of family were preparing to have their dinner already as they were just returning from the evening program hosted by them for the benefit of their company. In the dining room, a man which might be in his late 50's was sitting on one of the chairs surrounding the dining table. He had white hairs on his round head, a reading glass on his eyes that he used in reading his newly bought newspapers, and he was dressed in black suits.
A woman suddenly rushed out of the kitchen room with a big plate filled with fried turkeys on her hands as she quickly dropped the plate on the table before she rushed into the kitchen again to get the rest stuffs.
"Come on woman, hurry up, am starving." The man said as he stared into the kitchen lowering his glasses like a surprised lecturer.
"Am almost done honey, had to fry everything in a special way." The woman who would probably be in her late 40's, replied immediately with a smile, but the man just continued reading.
"Alright, it's all done." The woman said, dropping a bowl of roasted ducks in the center of the table, while she rushed to get something else.
"Gosh, I can't wait to dig in, you always cook so nice honey. Guess thats the only thing you know so well huh?" The man joked as he pinched some parts of the roasted duck with his hands and tasted it, "Hmm, this taste so good." He said licking his fingers.
While he was busy tasting the duck, a lady, tall and beautiful, dressed in a red armless gown, blue eyes and blonde hairs, suddenly walked in and when she saw the contents of the table, she smiled instantly.
"Now what are we celebrating?" Laura, asked as she walked towards the table with a smile.
"Hey, my angel is back. How is my new CEO doing, how did your work end up today? Did you sign more contracts? Did you get familiar with your employees? How does it feel to be the boss huh?" The man who was obviously her father, asked in such a way that made her sigh.
"Of course, I did. This is my fourth day as a CEO in our company Dad, and it's still stressful. No one to help sign the contract papers. And my secretary was really busy that I couldn't even ask for help. You know my husband is busy, still searching for a job you know, so it was really stressful for me. I just hope he finds one and we can get through all this." She sighed, tilting her head down a bit.
Her father laughed, "You mean your lazy, good for nothing husband is still searching for a job?" He said with a brow raised in disbelief.
"Dad!" His daughter called out in sadness, "That's my husband for Godsake. Why use such words?"
"Because thats the only word I see fitting his description. I mean, he is my son in law, I was only trying to show my concern." Her father said still eating the duck.
"No dad! You are not trying to show some concern here. And if you were really concerned, why not leave a spot for my husband in your company, why make me the CEO, why not him? After all he is the man, right?" She said with pity in her eyes.
Her father pushed down a glass of pineapple juice into his stomach before be slammed the glass cup on the table, "I don't just see him worthy enough to bear the name of our family. The Stephen's is a renowned name, our lineage is known for its great wealth and fame, I can't just let a low life come take over." He leaned on the chair he was sitting on.
Laura dropped the bag she was holding and decided to sit on the chair close to him. She has been trying to convince her dad about giving her husband a chance to control their family business, but her father was just so stubborn and she hates him for this, but nevertheless, aggression wasn't the best tool here, she had to talk him into it.
"Dad, listen, I know that my husband is...." She tried to speak, but a sound from the door drew her attention and when she turned towards the door, she saw him, the love of her life and the one they had been taking about all this while, she saw her husband walked in, looking so tired and weary, he must have searched the whole city for a job today, so frustrating.
"Hello." Daniel, the son in law to Mr Ayo Stephen, and husband to Laura, greeted immediately he was in and Laura, his wife had to go welcome him with a kiss on his left cheek.
The father sighed immediately he saw him, "And here comes the bastard." He said in a lower voice.
Daniel was looking so tired, but he had to act so strong since he was in the present of his father in law. With the assist of Laura, he was led to the table, where he sat on the chair facing his father in law, his eyes were fixed to the meal for dinner and he swallowed immediately.
"So honey, how was it? Did you get anything?" Laura asked her husband and immediately he gave a look of sadness and then sighed.
"Nothing yet." His gentle manly voice sounded so polished and audible.
"Ohh," Laura said.
"But I won't give up. First thing tomorrow morning, I will try reaching out some friends and I will tell them about it. Hopefully, I can get a job before this month runs out." He tried to cheer his wife up.
"Oh please, spare me that trash!" His father in law cuts in immediately.
"Dad?" Laura said in shock.
"What kind of a man are you anyway?" Her Dad went further to speak to the dumbfounded Daniel who just stared like a fool.
"I am sorry sir. I don't understand what you mean." Daniel spoke calmly still.
Mr Ayo, his father in law suddenly laughed, "Of course you don't. You don't even understand your life Mr man. How can you understand my words?" He pinched a little out of the roasted duck and tested it.
"Dad enough please, this is my husband you are talking too." Laura said to her father, backing her words with an eye contact.
"Then tell your husband to try to be the husband we all want him to be. Be a man, a real man like me." Mr Ayo leaned forward as he fixed his gaze at his son in law, "I got money, I have fame, I have investment in the whole of Africa, and beyond, I am a multimillionaire dude, and I can buy you worthless piece of trash anytime I want. You get it?"
"Dad enough please!" Laura said as she forcefully hit the table.
"It's okay Laura. It's really fine. I, I understand all your dad is talking about. And I wish I could just be the man you all want me to be." Daniel said as tears were merging in his eyes.
"It's okay Daniel, You are the man I want you to be okay? I love you the way you are. It doesn't matter what they say, I love you just the way you are." Laura said trying to wipe off his sudden tears.
Mr Ayo stood up in anger, "Listen too me boy, I am giving you just two weeks to go out there and make money. If by the end of two weeks, you have nothing to show for, you are getting your butts out my house! You understand?" He said, "Do you understand?" He asked again and Daniel nodded positively.
"Dad? This is not right. Daniel is still my husband and deserves some respect." Laura said in anger.
"Well, tell your husband to go earn some cash, get his own apartment and maybe some respect will be added to his worthless life." Mr Ayo said, before he left the dining, leaving them both alone.
Laura sighed immediately he was gone, she was obviously tired of her dad maltreating her husband in such ways. Daniel on the other hand, remained calm as he was so ashamed of himself right now, a full grown man, getting insulted by his in law? He has never received such insult in his entire life, and today, he received it, not just from any random person, he received it from his in law, and too him, that was the highest form of disgrace ever.
When Laura noticed how quiet he was, she sighed, then walked close to him, squatting down and placing both hands on his laps.
"Are you alright honey?" She asked.
Daniel inhaled deeply, then forcefully exhaled, "Yes. Yeah, yeah am good. I am, I am alright. Don't worry. Everything will be fine." He said with a fake smile on his face, but Laura knew he was not all alright, maybe partially though. But as she tried to talk too him more, the kitchen door pushed open and Laura's mom was seen coming out of the door with a plate full of white rice, but she immediately got disgusted on seeing Daniel, her son in law and Daniel felt more troubled as soon as he saw her.
"Good evening mom" Daniel greeted immediately but got no reply from his mother in law.
"When did you arrive hon?" She asked Laura, her daughter, while dropping the bowl of rice somewhere near the roasted duck.
"Umm. I just came in not quite long. I can see we are really celebrating something special here." Laura said.
"You can say that again dear." Her mother said still staring at Daniel in am awkward manner. "Ohh, so where is your dad?" She immediately asked.
"Ummm....he...he left." Laura answered.
"Umm why? Ohh don't worry, I think I know why. Am very sure he left because of this low class thing you call your husband." She said with so much energy and that strucked Daniel so hard.
"Mom? You too?" Laura asked in disbelief.
"Ohh my bad. Am so sorry my dear, but I still can't believe you got married to this walking dead. He's practically a walking dead Laura, I mean look at his skin color, and compare it with ours. He is not in our league, okay..he is not!!"
"Enough mom!. That's enough! You will not insult my husband in front of me! I won't allow that." Laura said too her mom in great confidence.
"Then tell your husband to go get a job and earn!!" Her mother screamed at her before walking out of the dining, leaving them both alone as before.
"Oh God. My family is nothing but trash, how come I didn't notice." Laura spoke with anger clearly seen in her eyes. She turned around and noticed that Daniel was no longer sitting on the chair, where would he have gone too? She asked herself. But just immediately, her phone began to ring and she realized it was a strange number calling, so she answered and when she heard the voice of the caller, she only sighed and hanged up. She stared outside the window, and her eyes caught the weather, it was about to rain, and she didn't know where Daniel was. But as she got out to look for him, she saw him, in the garden in the yard, and she smiled.
Related Chapters
The Son Inlaw's Revenge 02.
Outside the mansion, Daniel was sitted in the yard decorated with lots and lots of ornaments. He sat on the long chair placed In the middle of the yard, and his eyes were fixed unto the moon. With the look on his face, you could tell that he was feeling so ashamed of himself, or was he? His life was gradually turning into hell, and the more he tries to bare the pains and humiliation, the more it came too him.Daniel was just a delivery boy in Midtown-High, when he met Laura, and the two fell In love. He managed to save up a lot of cash for them to get married, but Laura insisted she handled everything, knowing that he was just earning a little. The both got married on 18th of April 2022 and they moved into their family house, and since that day up to this moment, all Daniel gets from his inlaws were nothing but humiliation and insults. When he first came, they treated him like family, but after some time, they began to show their true colors and now, he wished he never came into their
The Son Inlaw's Revenge 03.
After a long rainy night, it was morning already, and the early morning crows of the cock was already loud and clear. The East Alley's morning sun has arose and was now bestowing her love upon the the city and its urbanized components.The sun radiated into the room where Daniel and Laura slept last night, their bedroom to be precised. And due to its morning intensity, together with the power of the sound coming from the cock's crow, Daniel opened his eyes, and found out that it was morning already. He gently sat on his butt and took the hands of Laura away from his lap. He smiled and swallowed in joy the moment he saw her. She was as beautiful as the sun itself. Her cute face and her lips made him feel blessed, but anytime he remembered that he was just a broke man married to a rich woman, he felt really bad, like he didn't deserve her and truly, he doesn't. Based on what and how he felt for her, he didn't want her to suffer any way and so he needed to get rich as soon as possible bu
The Son Inlaw's Revenge 04.
In the open and wide street, Daniel zoomed out of nowhere and raced forward as he held the breifcase tightly in his arms and placed it on his chest to avoid the weight from slowing him down. Racing heavily after him, were a group of men, dressed in black overalls and dark glasses covering their evil eyes. They were obviously thugs sent to harm him, but he won't give them the chance too. Daniel instantly swerved into another lane and almost got himself killed by an incoming car, but he was fast enough to see it coming, hereby avoiding it and quickly jumping out of the way. He was now breathing heavily, and when he turned around, he saw the men were fast approaching and he sighed. Who were they? What has be done wrong to deserve this kind of death chase? He was sure that someone close was behind all this and he knew exactly who it was.Without another thought, Daniel took too his heels again, this time, he was a little bit slower than before, and he soon noticed the dizziness that was
The Son Inlaw's Revenge 05.
...As she drove the car, heading to the hospital. Laura's eyes was filled with tears and pain indeed. Her days of marriage was now a reproach unto her all because of her parents. She didn't want to do something, regarding the fact that she was their only daughter and the only one to inherent her dad's property. She had once planned on running away with Daniel during the early stages of the maltreatment, or better still, get her own apartment for both of them to live in happily. But Daniel encouraged her that everything was going to be fine and seriously, she can't really agree to that. Because since that day, things has been getting worse and worse and worse for her. For the fact they her husband had no peace in her home was a matter to be worried about. But that was not the issue now is it? She needed to see her husband as soon as possible.She immediately wiped the tears off from her face as she could get a glimpse of the hospital from afar. Thank God it was a nearby hospital anywa
The Son Inlaw's Revenge 06.
•At the Mansion, Mr Ayo was still sitting outside when he heard the silent noise of his porche from the gate as it drove into the yard and immediately he saw that she was back, he closed his newspapers and smiled. "My daughter, I knew you were going to come back to your senses." Mr Ayo said with a wide smile as he kept staring at his daughter Laura, while she quitely came down from the car and angrily jammed the door.Mr Ayo smiled again, "What now? Back to your senses?" He said too the incoming Laura, but Laura only gave him a hard stare with tears in her eyes. "Ohh come on, don't tell me you are still angry with me? Alright, I promise to make it up too you, okay. I will order the manager to unfreeze the account, so you can do whatever you want, okay? Is that alright?" He tried to make her happy, but all was now useless.Laura sniffed in, then she took three to four to five to six steps forward, now standing few feets away from her father, staring him right in the face as she said,
The Son Inlaw's Revenge Chapter 7
•Few hours later, it was evening already, and the sun had gone on an errand while the stars came out to protect the earth from darkness, also awaiting the mother moon to show us more of her kindness. In the wide, big beautiful yard, Laura was seen sitting on a swing as it swinged her forward and backwards slowly while her eyes was fixed to the moon. She was dressed in short jeans, an armless singlet that shot her nipples forward indicating she had no bra on, and a pair of red German slippers that fitted her legs perfectly. Her Itel S17 was on her hands, as she tried to calm herself down, so she was listening to one of "SIA's" best songs. She looked really moody, too the extent it could be seen on her face. Laura was very beautiful, and whenever she was moody or angry, no one was able to find out cause of her beauty, but in this case, seeing her like this, one would notice at first sight.While listening too music, her heart was somewhere else, or should I say, on someone else, and it
The Son Inlaw's Revenge Chapter 8
•In the late hour of the night. Daniel and Jenny was seen taking a walk on the lonely road of Phase 5, in Midtown-High. After they met, she decided they take a walk and get to talk some things out since it has been long they saw each other, and Daniel agreed they go on a short walk before returning back home.Daniel was putting his both hands in his pocket, as he walked side to side with Jenny who was busy narrating some events to Daniel, making him smile and laugh at the same time. They walked to a nearby bar, and Jenny insisted they go take something. Without trying to oppose her, Daniel agreed and she grabbed his hands and they both walked into the bar to have something nice.Jenny was dressed in a sexy, red, armless and tight short gown that made her irresistible to the eyes of men. Although Daniel didn't care about her dress, he was married, so he didn't have the time in scanning her. But he noticed something awkward about her, seeing her dressed in this kind of manner, made him
The Son Inlaw's Revenge Chapter 9
•"Why did you forsake my love for you? You knew I really loved you, but yet, you left, without a word." Jenny said and Daniel sighed."Look, jenny. Please could you not bring that up?" Daniel said."And why is that? Because you feel really guilty right?" She said once more but all Daniel could do was to heave a sigh of anger."Can't You understand? Am not in the mood for all this jenny. Please!" Daniel said, "Besides, am married now, and we shouldn't be talking about this. Am not a single man anymore, okay? Quit that intimacy for me." Daniel said before he left her alone in the bar.••Back at East Alley, Laura was sitting on the bed in her room, now dressed in a sexy night gown and a silver necklace that had an alphabetic Design "D" on it. Her friend had come visiting her earlier that day, and both of them were sitting in her room, discussing. Her friend was as beautiful as her, dressed in casuals and had a pitched lips that matched with her skin color. Her neatly blonde hair were
Latest Chapter
Chapter 108
You're not escaping me today Mathew, not today." Strangler said with a gothic tone it simulated a whisper.As they ran deep, Daniel heard the incoming footsteps and Mathew could hear them either. This made them bring out their pistols as they ran aiming behind as they made their moves.They continue running until they got a sudden stop before a miniature water way thanks to a wide pipe that ran through the underground. There were two paths that led into the underground and it's left for them to know where they're actually going. Luckily, Daniel took to the right since its where the waters were piped from. Mathew tagged along but before they could know, shot guns sounded.Shot! Shot! Shot! Cling! Clung! Clang!Guns were heard fired and bullets were heard bouncing off the metal pipes, Mathew was lucky to his himself immediately he took a rapid turn to his right behind Daniel. The sound of the gun fire woke Damian but Daniel seems go have him under control. They kept running and gun fi
Chapter 107
"C'mon Laura, is that how to greet or welcome your lovely family?" Simon asked carrying Damian on his shoulders "Let bygones be bygones, we aren't against each other. Why the hardness?" He added "Chilax sis." He added playfully snarling his nose on Damian's nose.Laura remained calm as she sat on her comfy chair, she watched as her family made their ways towards each sofas and have their seats. She waited for them to go on with why their came into her office but no one said anything except Simon who was busy playing with Damian. So, Laura decided to break the silence instead."Why are you all here?" She asked and they looked up to her but that never stopped her from asking the same question again "Why are you all here? I thought we had a deal of you not showing up ever in my family affairs." She added and this made Simon angry but he slowly controlled himself.Mrs. Ayo consoled her "We are only fighting for what's great for you, we are not stupid greedy family, we are one of a kind."
Chapter 106
It was a splendid morning as the streets were already occupied and roaming with pedestrians and vehicles. A yellow taxi zoomed in sight and stopped almost immediately before a very tall skyscraper, the tall building was fenced by metal wired walls which would prevent intruders from jumping in or out because they would either die of electrocution or instead wouldn't jump. There was also a metal gate at the entrance of the building guarded by four security men dressed in what seems like cops outfits and are heavily armed with rifles and shot guns. Observing the vicinity from the taxi, they realized the vicinity of the Fortune Construction Company is also guarded by CCTV cameras. Thus, this gave the company a very high level of security even Strangler had no other choice than to reverberate his thoughts.Strangler sat at the back seat, he was dressed in a black leather jacket, white top underneath, black trouser and white boots. He also wore a black shade over his face shrouding his e
Chapter 105
Nicholas TownhouseHe slammed the door behind, sealed the locks and sank on the first thing he could lay his buttocks on, a short stool. His heart was beating fast, so fast he could hardly put his breath under his control. He looked at the door awaiting someone to knock but no one came knocking, he might have missed him or either his chaser has left him to keep on running.Knock! Knock! Knock!Not long, he hard the hard knock on the door. He was petrified with fear, so much fear his lives flashed before his eyes and suddenly, his whole body felt paralyzed. Unable to move not even the smallest vein and muscle in his body, he just sat on the stool breathing and sweating profusely like a sprinter that went on a marathon.Knock! Knock! Knock!Came the knocks again and this time came the elderly tone of Nicholas along Sarah. His fear suddenly depleted on hearing that and he jolted on his feet immediately running to unlock the door. With the door unlocked, Nicholas and Sarah walked in distu
Chapter 104
Unknown HideoutThe room was as quiet as usual with nothing but Daniel only seating in the middle of the room on the cement floor. His mind was hazy with not a straight mindset but tentacles, his face was obviously white as snow with nothing but hatred boiling within him. With Fortune Construction Company under Laura's control, his legacy is nothing but secured and safe in the right hands. His only target is making the Laura family pay.His thoughts were still paranoid when he heard the door open.it was a sharp turn as Mathew suddenly arrived early. He was disturbed by this as Mathew has never arrived early from the drug lord's hideout without given permission to be free.He rose on his feet against Mathew as he locked the door behind "What's the rush Mathew? You've never been back early from the cartel meeting, what's wrong?" He caused out questions at him rapidly.Mathew was sweating profusely his black t-shirt was soaked like he just experienced a gang hunt. He was petrified and t
Chapter 103
New York cityHis butts got the softness of the comfy taxi chair, his mind went through the valleys of observation and realization to his present move even though Mathew warned him not to move an inch out of his secret prison. After getting to realize the whereabouts of the prison and ways out, Daniel made his way all the way from a forest outside of New York into the city just to make some findings. That's why he was dressed in what seems like a camouflage to him, shading hinself from the eyes of humanity just to avoid been seen by slightly, a kid.During the days of his fame and popularity, Daniel is by far one of the most recognised men on the planet with identity so great than the government themselves. To protect his fame from leaking, he dressed up in the most hideous outfit ever which was a pair of brown long hooded coat that stopped at his ankle, black shirt and trouser underneath, finalising it all with black navy boots. This quite went well with his surrounding since it was
Chapter 102
Daniel ManorThe most elegant building in the whole wide world filled with almost everything required. The Daniel Manor named after the richest playboy billionaire on the planet is a place of fancy attraction, entertainment, luxury and graciousness.The building is like an island far from the initiation of Americans occupying other cities and states. The building is impressively enforced with enough technology and science to a bizarre level one would compare it to be magical. Surrounding most of the landscape was a forest, either ways called a jungle with enough armed and genius security guards dressed mostly in suits and others dressed in Black jackets and trousers. There was a wide road that lapped through the island creating a one way panel into the manor deep within. Three red Royce and white Mercedes-Benz appeared through the asphalt road and across various security guards but none stopped for security check since they belongs to Mrs. Laura's family. The miniature complex busi
Chapter 101
Nicholas TownhouseNicholas was a bit faster than Dean could imagine, Dean was already letting loose of his worries and now, his intakes of bravery are now getting more durable than normal. Ad Nicholas dodged a straight blow to his face, he stepped back few steps just to regain his equilibrium. Matter of fact, he was effectively ready for Dean's next move ahead of time.As Dean drove forward like a launched missile, his stepping feet fluctuated causing a stain. Another punch launched out like a tree log against Nicholas face but the latter tweaked off the attacked spot and walked pathetically like a lumpy patient. Not knowing that was a deceptive trick to lure Dean's defence into stupor and effectively, it worked.Nicholas grabbed Dean by the collar, tolled him circularly before finally lunging him against the floor like a motionless mannequin.Dean fell to the ground like a tree, his back filled the ground like a fallen giant and immediately he opened his mouth, what came out was a w
Chapter 100
Chapter 100" Where are they?", Sarah yelled."They will, be around here somewhere... we just have to keep looking.", Nicholas said as he stopped driving, bringing in drive to a stop." I don't think it will be the right time to stop driving you know.", Sarah said looking around inside the car. "Would you get in?""Sure... I am coming. He quickly got up and started the engine of the car and drove out of the area he was."And what the hell were you doing back there?""Navigating... seriously...","Yeah ...I just wanted to be sure, even though we aren't closed to the place yet. " , Nicholas steps on the throttle increasing the car Speed as he goes two time faster than before.Meanwhile, Jane tries her very to outrun this guys but it no use yet.Gunshots resounded the area, aimed for the tyre of her car. She looked back seeing the gun still pointed at her.She quickly turned the car and boom! the bullet fired sway.Nicholas heard the shot. And so did Sarah.."Did you....""Yes,of course