
At the Mansion, Mr Ayo was still sitting outside when he heard the silent noise of his porche from the gate as it drove into the yard and immediately he saw that she was back, he closed his newspapers and smiled.

"My daughter, I knew you were going to come back to your senses." Mr Ayo said with a wide smile as he kept staring at his daughter Laura, while she quitely came down from the car and angrily jammed the door.

Mr Ayo smiled again, "What now? Back to your senses?" He said too the incoming Laura, but Laura only gave him a hard stare with tears in her eyes. "Ohh come on, don't tell me you are still angry with me? Alright, I promise to make it up too you, okay. I will order the manager to unfreeze the account, so you can do whatever you want, okay? Is that alright?" He tried to make her happy, but all was now useless.

Laura sniffed in, then she took three to four to five to six steps forward, now standing few feets away from her father, staring him right in the face as she said,
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