Chapter sixty one
"Of course, we are friends me, Dean. That's why I'm going to cancel the meeting and attend your party." I said to Dean.

"Wonderful. I'll be expecting the best out of you. It's not a party for the poor after all." Dean told me.

I clenched my fists in anger, remembering how I was treated in my past life. No matter how my anger was, I never let it show on my face.

I relaxed my hands and smiled, "I'm not a poor man so, you should indeed expect the best." I replied Dean.

We shook hands and I left his mansion and entered my car. "Where to Sir?" my driver asked me.

"My home," I answered.

While the driver was driving, I couldn't help but let my mind trail off. What was all that for? This was supposed to be strictly business.

I know I planned to be close to Dean and Loki Vandelson but they're offering my friendship on their own is suspicious to me.

Do they suspect something? But how would they? I only married Clarissa and for some time, I never made any contact with them so why this tac
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