chapter forty

"What was that?" Clarissa questioned and came out of her room. She had heard a car horn blowing.

"Who on earth would come over at this hour?" Clarissa wonder and while she was headed downstairs, she stopped in front of Zane's room.

"Zane... Zane..." Clarissa whispered and knocked.

"What is it?" Zane's voice sounded from inside his room.

"There is someone here. I mean, outside. Are you expecting anyone?" Clarissa asked Zane.

"No," Zane answered Clarissa.

The lock clicked and Zane stepped out of his room. He locked the door again, "let's go." he told Clarissa and began going downstairs.

They both reached the front door and were about to open it but it opened on its own. Clarissa's heart skipped and then she sighed in relief when she saw that it was only a security guard.

"Yes? Who is it that came here this late?" Clarissa asked the security guard.

"Ma'am, it's the Vandelson twins. They want to drive in." the security guard answered Clarissa.

"What?!" Clarissa exclaimed and fel
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