Author’s note

Hello, readers!

   Thank you for your incredible support.  I spotted a few unlocks, which means people are reading my book (Squeal!)

Thank you for reading this book. I didn't imagine this, I wasn't expecting all this (Sniffle)

Gosh, I can't believe I’m smiling while writing this. It's my first, haha!

Lol! ^^ Your comments and feedback to make this story more interesting are welcome. Have fun reading, and stay tuned for more twists and turns.

Hehe, before I end the note, how about we talk about some characters? I mean... What can you say about these two relationships?

Alex × Bella

Thomas × Rita

Ah, I feel like these relationships are too dramatic at times. What do you think?

Well, if the answer is yes... It will be more dramatic from now on. Muhahaha! 

Hehe... Just kidding. 

Don’t forget to leave a review, comment, and some sparkling gems too. See y’all in the next chapter!


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