A peaceful day it is and he is living his every day life with happiness and joy. He is planting seeds of vegetables in the farm he works. His life was nothing more than a normal one, nothing unusual and it is impossible to happen anyway. His name is Alexander, son of the former female royal knight Jane. Alexander is the one responsible for feeding his mother since his father has left them when Alexander is still a newborn baby. His mother has saved money from her former job but that isn't enough to sustain the both of them. So, with his mother being unable to walk anymore, he took the responsibility of taking care of her. He is the one who works, cooks and many more things. Alexander then straightened his body again after planting seeds in the ground. Then he removed the straw hat he is wearing and that revealed his long black curly jet-black hair. He then wiped his sweat out of his face with a clean towel that is over his neck. His shirt is all soiled, his hands are filthy and dirt is in his nails. But that doesn't matter to him anyway, he is a proud farmer and he is also proud to be able to provide enough food for him and his mother.
"Hey, Alexander! You should go home now before it gets dark!" yelled the owner of the farm.
Alexander looked at him and decided to go home. The owner gave Alexander a basket filled with vegetables and fruits, then he gave him his salary for the month.
"Here's your 1,000 Drachmas, Mr. Eirenopoios ." says the owner.
Alexander grinned. "Alexander is the name, sir." he calmly says as the owner laughed.
"You don't like your surname? It literally means peacekeeper?" asked the owner.
But Alexander didn't answer, he just bowed his head and went on his way. And before he could exit the farm's premises, the owner called him once more.
"Alex, take one of the pitchforks with you. There are rumors that a man-eating cyclops is roaming around town. Take care." says the owner.
Alexander then picks up a pitchfork but was amazed by it. The pitchfork reassembles the symbol of the God of the Underworld, it looks like a bident. He took it and thanked the owner and left. The sun has set already and it is getting darker and darker. There were no enchanted lanterns on the roads because they are living in the outskirts of this kingdom. People lives in this area by farming, fishing and furniture making. The elders said that this town is blessed by the gods Hephaestus and Poseidon and goddesses Hestia and Demeter. But this town is poor despite being the second largest producer of fish. As Vincent walked his way home, he suddenly heard something, he stopped in his tracks.
"Be ready. " says the whispering voice.
Alexander looked around to see who that was but there was nobody. It is only natural that no one is out during this hour of the day because they fear that they might get eaten by monsters. He then continued to walk until there was it again, the whisper.
"Its coming! Hide!" says the whisperer.
The one who is whispering seems to right beside Alexander. However, the whisper this time is different. It is definitely warning him from something dangerous ahead. Alexander walked a few more miles when the whisper turned into a yell.
"Stop!" it yelled.
He got annoyed and ignored it. And as Alexander was about to go inside the woods, he heard some twigs breaking and rustling of dry leaves. Alexander stopped and looked around, he put the basket of fruits and vegetables on the ground and went to his battle stance with his pitchfork at the ready. He was never good in combat, his mother never taught him to fight or to defend himself since she was always away doing her royal knight duties. He waited for something to come out of the shroud, because that's where the sound came from. His hands were shaking, he is both nervous and terrified.
Then the voice spoke again in his ear.
"Run. " it says and this time, Alexander listened.
It might be his instinct but Alexander felt that if he fought the thing that is out there, he wouldn't make it out these woods alive. The thing hiding behind the bushes might be a wild boar as these woods are known for the wide population of wild boars. But Alexander can never be too careful. He picked up the basket and ran as fast as he can. And this is why he hates himself, he has the highest stamina but he runs slower than a girl even if his life depends on it.
"Just keep running!" the voice yelled inside his ear.
Alexander begged the voice to shut up since he is trying his best to run faster. He was now halfway through the woods when he heard something he didn't want to hear. His instincts were right, but he doesn't know if he can outrun the one chasing him. Behind him, he can hear and feel something big. It couldn't be a wild boar, since wild boars have 4 legs. But, the one who is chasing Alexander, only has 2. And not to mention the fact that the ground shakes as the thing's feet touches the ground as it ran. Because of his curiosity, Alexander looked back and what he saw made him run faster than he could imagine. The thing he saw was big, bald, its skin was pale and was carrying a big wooden club on its shoulder. It was the monster that the owner of the farm he works in has warned him about, a cyclops is chasing Alexander. The monster roared and birds that are nested on treetops flew away. Alexander is only a kilometer away from their town, and with that loud of a roar, it will surely be heard throughout their town. Meanwhile, in the town where Alexander lives in. Alexander's guess was right, the roar was heard even in the town. The people that are outside quickly panicked and entered the house and some even went in even though they don't live there. And at a house near a windmill, inside of that is a woman sitting on a well-made wooden chair. She heard the roar. She tried to stand up but was unsuccessful. Her legs were damaged beyond healing. And as she struggles to stand up, an old woman went and approached her, trying to calm him down.
"Mother, that is a roar of a cyclops. And the direction where it came from was the woods, and that's where Alexander passes through!" hysterically said by the sitting woman.
The older woman hugged her.
"Jane, my dear. What can you do in your current state? Let us just hope that he will be safe. And i know he will, because he will never let his son die." says the older woman.
Jane then forced herself calm down and hope that his son will come home, alive. But her hopes were just useless. Alexander is now on the ground, blood trickling down his face and he now can hardly breathe. The cyclops hit Alexander with its large club earlier. He tried to stand up but it was no use, his weak and his consciousness is slipping when the voice suddenly spoke once more.
"Go to the darkest place of the woods. Darkness is your strength, use it." Says the voice.
With no choice and his unwavering will to live, Alexander forces himself and stood up. That's when the cyclops started to laugh and wasn't even looking at his prey. But when Alexander was about to take advantage of it and run, the cyclops turned around and looked at a terrified Alexander.
"How many decades has it been since I've eaten one of your kind?" says the cyclops whose voice was low and growling. The monster then licked his lips and readied his club "Master, bless thy food!" he yelled then launched at Alexander who quickly ran.
He ran into the woods and to the darkest place. And as he ran, the cyclops was chasing him and mocking him that he might as well surrender rather than making himself suffering. But Alexander wasn't buying it, he wants to live. He wants to protect his mother no matter what, and that alone is enough to motivate Alexander to fight back and live. Alexander then thinks on where he should go when the voice then again spoke to him.
"Go to the place where the moonlight is visible and will hit you." Says the voice.
Alexander continues to run and then he remembered a place where moonlight goes through. He then turned left and the monster followed. The monster's footsteps were enough to make the ground rumble. After almost running for 5 minutes, Alexander reached a dead end. He now faces a cliff wall, his left and right are also covered by the cliff walls. And in front of him was the cyclops who walks towards him slowly. The monster then laughed.
"No where to go, eh? Let me eat you, half one." Menacingly said by the monster then took off the club off of his shoulder and landed on the ground that caused it to shake.
Half one? Alexander tries to understand what the monster has said but that needs to wait as his biggest problem right now is how would he fight a cyclops when he never been in a fight before. And the only weapon he got was a pitchfork which he had left behind since he got no time to pick it up. Then the voice whom Alexander was waiting spoke.
"Believe in yourself. Try to let your power out. You're at your most powerful when you're in a dark place with the moonlight hits you and shadows are everywhere. Use it. Good luck." Says the voice.
Alexander then cursed under his breath as he doesn't know what that voice is talking about. What power? He doesn't have any power as he is only a normal person who lives by working as a farmer. But Alexander got annoyed with himself and did a battle stance that is so weird that the cyclops laughed at him. Alexander's both forearms are protecting his face while his torso and lower body is all open. With his determination and will to survive, Alexander launched a reckless and stupid attack on the cyclops. Alexander punched the stomach of the monster but it just laughed. The cyclops then swung his arm that hit Alexander and was sent flying until he hit the cliff wall on his left. The impact made a small hole in the wall as rocks began to fall. Alexander then dropped on the ground hard and can not breathe properly. Several of his bones and organs might have been severed because of that attack, his vision started to blur too. The monster who Alexander was searching for was now in front of him, grinning and ready to squash him with his enormous club. The cyclops lifted his club up in the air.
"Good bye, half one." Says the cyclops.
Then Alexander muttered these words. "I need to survive. I need to survive. I need to survive for Mother."
Out of his desperation, he looked up and screamed at the top of his lungs.
"I NEED TO SURVIVE!" and that's when the ground started to rumble.
Birds flying off their nests and the cyclops looked around. He got annoyed by it so he looked back at Alexander and suddenly backed away from him. Rocks are revolving around Alexander and his eyes turned white. The monster was about to attack Alexander immediately when the ground he is stepping on suddenly grabbed hold of his legs, it totally immobilized him. And then, Alexander stood up.
"I need to survive, for my mother." He says.
The cyclops smirked and laughed. "So, this is your power, you damn half!" he raged and broke out of the rocks. "Playing with your food is not a good thing, but I'll make you an exception, half one." He added.
He then launched at Alexander. Who just stood there with his eyes all white.
"Let's finish this." Says Alexander as their fight begun.
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The Son of The Unseen CHAPTER 2
The fight started as the monster’s club and the fist that Alexander made collided. The impact was so strong that it bent some trees near them. And as their fight went on, Alexander can’t feel anything anymore. He doesn’t even know why his body is moving like this, so swiftly, agile and strong. But somehow, he is able to fight with thecyclopstoe to toe. Then he remembered the story of his mother, it is about when she encountered acyclops.He tried to remember the way she defeated it since that would be a big help, but thinking about it while fighting an actual one is proving to be difficult in every aspect. Thecyclopsswung his club but was blocked by Alexander’s rock wall. This is the other thing Alexander can’t explain. How can he have these powers and strength? Whywouldhe have these abilities to begin with? Not knowing the
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Not remembering what happened, Alexander is now standing in a dimly lit hall. He can see statues of differentgodsandgoddessesand mainly of those are theOlympians.Alexander looked around the hall and remembered what had happened. He collapsed after the battle with thecyclops, it is because of pure exhaustion and the severe injuries he suffered from the fight. But he hopes that thecyclopshead really came off because if it didn’t, then it would definitely rampage through their town and devour the citizens for sure. Thinking he is now dead and in a hall which the dead waits for it to be brought to the underworld. And this when Alexander regrets to die. Thoughts of how would his mother and grandmother survive without him working for them, who would take care of them, and all sorts of things that his grandmother and mother can’t do
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The man whom went to the home of Alexander explained that because of Hades’ adultery, Persephone was enraged and is now seeking revenge. When Alexander asked why, the answer was quite simple, Hades has vowed that he willnothave any affairs with mortals, and yet this happened. He then explained that because of Persephone’s rage, Alexander needs to move out and try his luck as a hero. Because as a hero, he wouldn’t experience the rages of the Queen because she will just wait until thefateshave decided to exterminate him. And that triggered, Alexander. He pointed out that no matter what this man will say, he willnotgo into a hero life. Why would he accept a fate that has nothing but sorrows a despair? He recalled that every hero or every demigod of the past has suffered a lot as a hero or demigod. And another reason on why he isn’t coming is because of
The Son of The Unseen CHAPTER 7
The next day, Alexander is now packing his things up in his sling bag as he will be embarking on a new journey. His mother was helping him pack up as they have this little conversation. Helen described the God she fell in love with as the kindest but also the cruelest among the Olympians. The God of the underworld is a caring person and have his own amazing temper control. He is quite known for his calm nature, but when he bursts, then he is ugly when angry. He once sent hundreds of corpses and let it float at the seas as revenge for the thing his brother did to his wife, Persephone. After packing, Alexander heads down to the front door as he, his mother and grandmother are now saying their temporary goodbyes.“Remember this, Alex. They are deceitful, gods. They will do anything just to persuade you to do their bidding. Gods are dangerous, trust your senses and be safe.” Says the grandmother as she them hugged her grandson.Helen then approached hi
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The next day, Alexander is now packing his things up in his sling bag as he will be embarking on a new journey. His mother was helping him pack up as they have this little conversation. Helen described the God she fell in love with as the kindest but also the cruelest among the Olympians. The God of the underworld is a caring person and have his own amazing temper control. He is quite known for his calm nature, but when he bursts, then he is ugly when angry. He once sent hundreds of corpses and let it float at the seas as revenge for the thing his brother did to his wife, Persephone. After packing, Alexander heads down to the front door as he, his mother and grandmother are now saying their temporary goodbyes.“Remember this, Alex. They are deceitful, gods. They will do anything just to persuade you to do their bidding. Gods are dangerous, trust your senses and be safe.” Says the grandmother as she them hugged her grandson.Helen then approached hi
The man whom went to the home of Alexander explained that because of Hades’ adultery, Persephone was enraged and is now seeking revenge. When Alexander asked why, the answer was quite simple, Hades has vowed that he willnothave any affairs with mortals, and yet this happened. He then explained that because of Persephone’s rage, Alexander needs to move out and try his luck as a hero. Because as a hero, he wouldn’t experience the rages of the Queen because she will just wait until thefateshave decided to exterminate him. And that triggered, Alexander. He pointed out that no matter what this man will say, he willnotgo into a hero life. Why would he accept a fate that has nothing but sorrows a despair? He recalled that every hero or every demigod of the past has suffered a lot as a hero or demigod. And another reason on why he isn’t coming is because of
The atmosphere changed as their conversation was continued inside their home. Alexander stood at the left of his mother and listened to the man who introduced himself as Ray. Ray talked about a lot of things that Alexander couldn’t understand, it is unbelievable and it’s impossible.“Alexander, sir, you must understand that you are no ordinary person. The strength and the power you’ve used during that can only mean one thing.” Says Ray.But Alexander doesn’t believe in what this guy is saying. It is just purely impossible for it to even happen. He tried to find answer from his mother, but she too was in distress and is obviously nervous for some reason. Even his grandmother is there sitting on a chair and speechless.“Okay, I&rsq
The news of thatcyclopsincident circulated all over Alexander’s town in just one night. The information said that aknighthas defeated the monster but the name of thatknightis confidential, says theRoyal Knights Legion.However, the one who really beat that monster and severed its head is none other than Alexander who now laid in bed, resting and healing the injuries he had suffered during that showdown. Jane, Alexander’s mother questioned her son on how did he defeated it especially when Alexander doesn’t even know how to fight nor to defend himself. But Jane did not pester her son and thought that asking those questions may bring some nightmares to him. What she didn’t know is that Alexander, despite being utterly exhausted and with his body aching all over, has been thinking of the black smoky figure that appeared in his mind wh
Not remembering what happened, Alexander is now standing in a dimly lit hall. He can see statues of differentgodsandgoddessesand mainly of those are theOlympians.Alexander looked around the hall and remembered what had happened. He collapsed after the battle with thecyclops, it is because of pure exhaustion and the severe injuries he suffered from the fight. But he hopes that thecyclopshead really came off because if it didn’t, then it would definitely rampage through their town and devour the citizens for sure. Thinking he is now dead and in a hall which the dead waits for it to be brought to the underworld. And this when Alexander regrets to die. Thoughts of how would his mother and grandmother survive without him working for them, who would take care of them, and all sorts of things that his grandmother and mother can’t do
The fight started as the monster’s club and the fist that Alexander made collided. The impact was so strong that it bent some trees near them. And as their fight went on, Alexander can’t feel anything anymore. He doesn’t even know why his body is moving like this, so swiftly, agile and strong. But somehow, he is able to fight with thecyclopstoe to toe. Then he remembered the story of his mother, it is about when she encountered acyclops.He tried to remember the way she defeated it since that would be a big help, but thinking about it while fighting an actual one is proving to be difficult in every aspect. Thecyclopsswung his club but was blocked by Alexander’s rock wall. This is the other thing Alexander can’t explain. How can he have these powers and strength? Whywouldhe have these abilities to begin with? Not knowing the
A peaceful day it is and he is living his every day life with happiness and joy. He is planting seeds of vegetables in the farm he works. His life was nothing more than a normal one, nothing unusual and it is impossible to happen anyway. His name is Alexander, son of the former female royal knight Jane. Alexander is the one responsible for feeding his mother since his father has left them when Alexander is still a newborn baby. His mother has saved money from her former job but that isn't enough to sustain the both of them. So, with his mother being unable to walk anymore, he took the responsibility of taking care of her. He is the one who works, cooks and many more things. Alexander then straightened his body again after planting seeds in the ground. Then he removed the straw hat he is wearing and that revealed his long black curly jet-black hair. He then wiped his sweat out of his face with a clean towel that is over his neck. His sh