°Apex City, Rickster°
DeathWood-1:09am[2 Years Back]
Beside Deathwood, a long alley was put in view, as three cars were seen coming along. Their light were glowing brightly yellow, as it beamed to the edge of the alley. They arrived quickly and halted besides Deathwood. The doors opened and twelve humanly figures came out; eight men and four women. They're cladded in black outfits, a trouser and jacket, and a big white round design with an illustration of ACG on it was at their backs. They gripped different guns tightly, with other weapons like small bombs at their side trouser packs, And swords at their back packs. They also have headlights but it wasn't on! The moon light was providing light for them at that time, and it was full moon. They're the ACG-Apex City Guards.
Do you know DeathWood? DeathWood is a very hazardous and gigantic place, a forest where all sorts of wild creatures dwell in. This forest have been here for years and thick threes have covered everywhere, caves and others where the creatures took as their shelter. Some of this wild creatures communicate like normal humans beings, somewhere even humans who contacted diseases from the creatures when they're caught, and they're changed to monsters like wolfs vampire etc...
Due to DeathWood, many souls have been dead because of the wild creatures, they will come out of the forest in search of human fleshes and bloods, and if anyone was found, that will be the end of the person's life. These was how the Ricksterites have been leaving, a set of people in the Apex City.
But as the Government found out that the killing is becoming too much, he took a decision of forming a group of people and gave them the name ‘ACG meaning; Apex City Guards’. A well trained hunters, who always go into all forest, mostly DeathWood in search of the wild creatures to kill anyone they found. This has been helping the city bit by bit as it has reduced the losing of souls in Apex City. This ACGs were also assisted by some magical abilities, that will guide them from the wild creatures, abilities like; Regenerative Healing Factor; a power that is the most important thing to them, it helps them regenerates their body parts whenever they got injuries by the wild creatures, that doesn't mean they can't die. Speed; a power that can allow them move fast, they're capable of moving only to the speed of cars. Accuracy; this helps them in fighting and shooting, they do things accurately
“It’s time!” One of the men said, he was the captain among them, and he was the one leading the way.
He walked step by step, counting his feats and was alerted to any attack. And the others followed suit him till they entered into Deathwood.
“Stay alert! Watch your side, and fire any creature you see!” The Captain said again.
They keep on going and going trooping into one place or the other same time.
“Have you all been trained before? Why are you all following me, you we're supposed to share ourselves four each!” The Captain said in a furious way, and without hesitation, they divided their selves, spreading to three different directions.
The captain and three others; two men and a lady, were patrolling about, searching for the perilous creatures and suddenly, they heard a crick sound on the floor. This made the three comrade stopped immediately, you could tell that they were scared of what they heard!
“Are you all normal? You all are scared of my foots that collided with a stone on the floor!” The Captain ranted at them “You all should have stayed at home!!” He said disgustingly, but the scared comrades were silent to his speech out of frustration.
“Wow Fresh bloods to transfer into my stomach!” A voice whispered up above them, which made the four comrade to raised their heads up, only for them to find a Vampire squatting on a three above them. His face was disgustingly covered with bloods, and his look could tell that he is ready for more.
The comrades were panicking a bit, except the captain who immediately pointed his gun towards the Vampire.
“Hey dudes, drop that stick you called guns! You're wasting your time, bringing your life and a stick here!” The Vampire said mockingly.
“Fire!” The Captain Commanded. And they all faced their guns towards the Vampire and Pow!! They released numerous bullets Into the Vampire body, who was just smiling and revealing his fangs.
The Vampire was unfazed to this attack and due to his Regenerative Healing Factor, the bullets that entered into his body, suddenly melt into his body as all his wounds covered. Then the bullets made him grow larger than before. Surprised, the Hunters were indeed surprised of this terrible thing.
The Vampire was now angry than before, he leaped high and return towards the Hunters, setting his fingers, ready to devour them and suck bloods.
“Stay back!” The Captain said and jumped up towards the Vampire... They're now jumping towards each other, and they will actually collide against each other.
°The Second Four Hunters Scene°
Meanwhile... They're three men and a lady too, and they're still busy moving around if they could find anything, but I don't think they have come across anything. They keep moving forward with their guns pointing forward.
“Where are all the Fucking fools?” A man asked himself in frustration.
“Shhhh! Jerry keep quiet! We're all in a risky game.” The lady replied with a whisper.
“Okay ma!” The man replied, who goes by the name Jerry!.
°The Third Four Hunters Scene°
Whoosh!! A black hand was put in view in slow motion, as it moved forward and penetrated into a manly cheeks, yeah it was actually a punch, it landed on one of the Hunter's. The scene was revealed fully and a Strange Monster was seen. He has actually beaten the four hunters down, and they're on the ground in pains.
The Monster was really dark in skin tone, having large horns at his back, four fangs, claws and a long take having blades on it his eyes were bulky, glowing red. He hits his chest severally and jumped to the Hunters, trying to stomp them into the ground, but they immediately dodge by rolling out off. The Monster’s Stomps were really devastating, it compressed the earth down, giving the exact shape of the monster foots...
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°The First Four Hunters Scene° Pow!! The Captain of the Hunters, and the Vampire collided against each other, which made them flew oppositely backward. Without hesitating, The Vampire sprung back to his feats... He leaped towards the Captain and Pow!! He gave him a strong punch at his face. This took the Captain backward, as he crashed against a large thick tree, then he fell on the floor as the dust and dried leafs levitated upward. “Captain Maxwell!” The remaining hunters yelled. They immediately stood a fight stance against the Vampire, Huh? They're not afraid anymore. The Vampire quickly dashed at them with a Sarcastic Smile, and the lady tried her first attack with a side kick, but the Vampire gripped her leg and flung her backward with his immense strength in him. The lady also crashed with a tree and fell down. The remaining men rushed at the Vampire at same time, and as they got closer, the Vampire stretches his hands forward, and a black holes appears and
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°The Alley° The alley was were the cars of the ACG were packed earlier. Captain Maxwell and the Lady suddenly came out of DeathWood and approached the car, They opened the door and entered. “I’m tired!” Captain Maxwell said and gave a loud sigh of relief, he checked the time in his phone that was inside the car, which made him opened his mouth in astonishment. “4:32am” He whispered. He quickly placed his right finger on his earphone, as it gave a short blue glow. “Hello Colleagues, Captain Maxwell speaking... I and Emily are at the Alley, it's over for today. Meet us there now, we’re about to go!” He said. Via the earphone, his speeches travelled to each and everyone of the Hunters, that are putting on the earphones connected to Captain Maxwell’s earphone. °35 minutes later, 5:17am° The Remaining Hunters immediately walked out of DeathWood. Only six figure could be seen as they were not clear, darkened by the night, they were black from far. They walked forward
The Steel Man Experiment
Dr Wilson walked forward to Jerry, then stretched his hand to the wall and gripped a tube that was hanging on the wall, it was actually connected somewhere; a device up above Jerry's head. Dr Wilson then pierced the tube edge into Jerry's right shoulder... It was able to pierced in as the edge of the tube was very sharp. He took another tube from the left side of the wall, and pierced it into Jerry's left shoulder, then he went to the wall, where a mini keyboard could be seen. Dr Wilson typed some code into it as the device’s engines began to whirled, and fluids began to flew out of the device into Jerry's body via the tubes. “Archhh!” Jerry began to yell a bit as the fluid were hurting his inner body. “Be patient!” Dr Wilson said trying to cool him down. After some minutes, He walked to the wall and typed the codes he typed earlier on the keyboard, then he walked to Jerry and pulled out the tubes. He then bent down and tapped a blue button that was placed beneath the bed; it
The Steel Man Against The MechDoom
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The Steel Man Defeated
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Whoosh!!! A blue and white figure passed them in great speed; the speed of light. They turned and could not found anybody, neither anyone, only the dust and dirt on the floor that rushed up by the speed of the figure. “Huh? What's that?” They chorused. °Jerry’s House° A normal one storey building, was built in between other buildings in the environment. Trees could be seen around, and ornamentals which beautiful the environment. Vehicles were packed outside the houses, but the place was void of person. Whoosh the Blue and White figure arrived in great speed and stopped right in front of a House. What the Fuck! It was Steel Man, the one defeated by Rasha. His suit was tattered and filled with stains, His hairs were also filled with dust. But the cut by Rasha and the bruises all over his body were no more, Via Regenerative Healing Factor he possesses, all injuries healed up. Just then, he head footsteps of someone approaching the door from inside the house... “Oh
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The Metal Man Assault
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“Not again!! Retard get out of our way!” One of the men said in action, then dropped his sack bag on the floor. “That’s only if you will repent.” Steel Man relied and landed on the floor close to the men. “You’re mentally ill!!” The other Man said, and throw a blow at Steel Man. “Mere humans can't understand!!” Steel Man said and gripped the Man's hand, then he throw him up, as he smashed the Celine and fell back to the ground. “Let us go!!” The other Man yelled angrily and rushed at Steel Man to deliver his own punch. “They can never understand!!” Steel Man said and dodge the Man's punch, then gave him an elbow strike at his left cheek, the man fell down already turned unconscious. Abruptly, the sounds of siren were head approaching the scene, Steel Man flew outside through a nearby window, and found two van of the Police Cops. “The Thugs are in, I made them unconscious!!” Steel Man said loudly, as the policemen were trooping out of the van. “We
Lives Saved
“You think am dead right?” Imonial asked and smirked. He finally stood back to his foots. He charged at Steel Man who instantly stood a fight stance, with flames on his hands. Whoosh, Imonial sent a punch, which Steel Man instantly dodged by shifting his head to the right side. Then he flew backward in a toggle flight with speed, without hesitating, he charged at Imonial and Pow!! He gave him a fire punch at his chest, which made the latter staggered backward. Imonial immediately charged back at Steel Man as if he wasn't punched, he tried to deliver a blow at Steel Man's face, But Steel Man dodged his blow again by bending down and diving him into the air. Steel Man unleashed Imonial as Imonial began to fall down, facing the sky as he was also yelling. Steel Man quickly rushed at him, and Doom!! A stronger Megaton blow, hit Imonial on his stomach, squeezing his abdomen and taking him down in great speed with a very loud Thum!! The ground where Imonial fell has been dead
Imonial’s Death
“You think am dead right?” Imonial asked and smirked. He finally stood back to his foots. He charged at Steel Man who instantly stood a fight stance, with flames on his hands. Whoosh, Imonial sent a punch, which Steel Man instantly dodged by shifting his head to the right side. Then he flew backward in a toggle flight with speed, without hesitating, he charged at Imonial and Pow!! He gave him a fire punch at his chest, which made the latter staggered backward. Imonial immediately charged back at Steel Man as if he wasn't punched, he tried to deliver a blow at Steel Man's face, But Steel Man dodged his blow again by bending down and diving him into the air. Steel Man unleashed Imonial as Imonial began to fall down, facing the sky as he was also yelling. Steel Man quickly rushed at him, and Doom!! A stronger Megaton blow, hit Imonial on his stomach, squeezing his abdomen and taking him down in great speed with a very loud Thum!! The ground where Imonial fell has been dead
Against The Imonial.
Imonial started running towards Steel Man's location, as his Stomps were vibrating the ground. He arrived and Found Steel Man in the air. Steel Man quickly closed his hands into fist and tightened them harder, then he spin like a cannon, and Puff!! He dashed at Imonial who was approaching him and gave the latter a pay back Megaton punch at his face, taking Imonial out of sight in great speed, as he twirled in the air, and collided on the ground with a thud!! The force of the punch was great, as he was still moving on the ground, but with anger in him, he quickly hold the ground for stoppage. “How was mine?” Steel Man said softly, as he quickly arrived. “It was nothing!?” Imonial replied. “Well enjoy another one!!” Steel Man whispered and dashed at Imonial again and sank another Megaton punch; an uppercut at his venter. The force of the punch was extremely great, as it took Imonial upward, deep into the Sky as he groaned. Thud!! With great force and Speed, Imoni
Arrival Of Imonial!
°DeathWood° The Apex City Guards are no more Guarding the City again, and now the wild creatures have begin their work of killing humans for bloods or fleshes. Beside DeathWood, was an alley that was dark, but a bit illuminated by the Moonlight and stars. But a manly figure was seen walking along the alley, the Moonlight displayed on him and he was revealed as a young muscler man, donned on black outfits. He keep on stepping forward, but suddenly halted, when he heard a groan!! “Hmmm God please help me!” He said and started walking forward again. Groan!! A monster yelled and leaped out of the bush towards the man, stretching her hands and revealing her claws. “Oh no! This is impossible!” The Man yelled and turned, trying to escape, but it was in vane. The Monster caught of with him, and before he could move an inch, Slash!! The Monster gave him a cut with her claws as the Man fell on the ground, yelling in pains with blood rushing down from his back. “Arhhhh!!
The Destructions!
The people were busy dancing, eating and enjoying all sorts of enjoyment they can enjoy, while the arrival of The Slayer was unknowingly to them. In the midst of the girls twerking, and the boys rocking, four humans suddenly dashed out in speed, leaving after images. Everyone stop dancing, and looked around for a while. Then another four dashed out again as they were about to resume their dances, but they quickly stopped in confusion. “What was that?” They keep on asking their selves randomly. Thud!! Just immediately, they heard a stomp on the ground, then another one hit the ground again, and a human figure was revealed. It was The Slayer who his eyes were glowing brightly red, illuminating his face a bit. “Hello Club attenders!” He said and let out an unclear sneer. “Who is that?” “Huh? Who are you!”... Everyone in the Club gathered opposite The Slayer, asking different questions randomly. “I’m no other person than the Slayer, I have come to take everyone out of e