Hanami Forest, Peach Forest

After a few days with Petunia Knox, Kiran felt the spirit's magic ability was excellent. Petunia is a witch who is adept at creating illusions. All his illusions look real. Kiran was amazed, asking Petunia to teach him to be as good as the witch's spirit.

"Master. You have strong magic power. I know. There is an unexpected power within you, which has yet to be explored. We must first practice, how to awaken your strength, and control it."

She started by asking Kiran to practice concentration. Petunia teaches breathing techniques – similar to yoga, which helps Kiran as she tries to concentrate on gathering her energy, her magic. Fortunately, Kiran had two Aetherion pills, which were consumed immediately.

The pill helped him a lot as a beginner.

In open space, cedar forest Institute Magentum,

"Now, try to see the world in another way.

Use your mind and say what you see." Petunias said.

Kiran held his breath, closed his eyes and exhaled all the dirty air from his lungs. The concentration is complete now. When his eyes open,

"I see that there are many arrays, colourful lights lined up in the air." He was silent.

"But near you, all I saw was the beam of light pulsating, rhythmic," Kiran said. At that time, Petunia trained him for Kiran to make his first illusion. It is Petunia's second week as her magic trainer.

The spirit explained.

"Colorful light array is the energy that exists in the world.

You can draw all the energy and cast it to form a magic painting called illusion." Petunia explained, and Kiran scooped up a bundle of energy, grasping it in her mind. It throws that energy and forms the illusion of a chrysanthemum. But the illusion looks unreal. The butterfly did not want to perch on the illusion of the flower.

Kiran was disappointed.

"Don't give up. Now try to create a new illusion of Chrysanthemum. Choose yellow, so that it is different from the white chrysanthemums in this yard." Kiran needed clarification. He needed clarification about choosing a yellow colour suitable for his illusion Chrysanthemum.

"You have to choose quickly. In battle, deceptive and visible illusions are the power of an Illusion Weaver.

It's only helpful to have magic solid power if the illusion you make is perfect. If this is a duel, you even lose the opponent's first attack."

Kiran concentrated. After he captured all the energy, he turned that energy into a collection of Chrysanthemum flowers.

"It's yellow. I have to change the colour quickly." After changing the illusion of the yellow Chrysanthemum, something else disturbed his mind.

"Details. Layer upon layer of Chrysanthemums, that's an additional illusion I have to make to make Chrysanthemum real." Kiran concentrated. He remembers every detail of the Chrysanthemum flower.

Kiran formed that illusion according to his memory with the multi-layered petals and tapered tips of the flowers. Finally, he put yellow on the collection of Chrysanthemums.

"Perfect?" His hiss needed to be more confident.

The butterfly flew in search of flowers that could be sucked, honey. The yellow colour of the illusory Chrysanthemum attracted his attention. The butterfly is approaching, but... He left immediately. The butterfly ignored Kiran's artificial illusion of the Chrysanthemum.

The child who was happy at first, afterwards, his face was sullen.

"My illusion looks rough, doesn't it?" Kiran asked, feeling bad.

Petunia tries to be wise. After all, it takes a long and intense practice to do something perfect.

"What you show is the best for a beginner. Creating the illusion of magic takes work.

Later, you can create illusory sensations when your magic and illusion-forming abilities strengthen. The smell of fake honey, for example, is what the butterfly lacks."

This explanation made Kiran a little relieved. He remembered Lila's words. A high-class illusion, even capable of making false pains – is hard to distinguish from the real thing.

"If you practice combining colors, as well as understanding Light and shadow through painting techniques, I'm sure. Your skill in forming illusions will be much more perfect." Petunia concluded, and Kiran was shocked.

"Yara and the painting Club!"

"Why am I so stupid, forgetting that club. This afternoon after the potions class is over, I will visit the club, asking Yara for guidance." A ray of Light Reappeared in the child's eyes.

Until lunch before, Kiran diligently practised how to master energy. He throws everything in the form of various illusions. It's rudimentary because all those illusions are not detailed. Looks fake.

"Hopefully the lessons in the painting club later, it will make the detailed technique on my illusion natural."


Kiran enters the Painting Club, a small studio enough for ten people. There was no one else, other than the club's chairman girl.

"Hello Yara. How are you?" Kiran greeted.

Smiling reviewed, Yara said hello back.


I have been waiting for you for a long time, to practise painting together. I thought you had chosen another club and left this less popular club." Yara said, still with her friendly smile.

The girl looks messy. His hands and work clothes were full of paint.

"Now put on work clothes. Choose one of them. It may be too big for your body size. But it's better than painting in school clothes."

Kiran fitted work clothes. Nothing fits. All too big for the size of a skinny eleven-year-old like him.

"Just wear it as you want. After all, these clothes are not for watching fashion week, right?" Yara joked.

A moment later. Kira sat in front of a blank canvas. Yara seemed to give him advice to start his first painting.

"But I'm really a rookie in this field. I'm afraid of disappointing you." Kiran said When he saw Yara was very enthusiastic about getting new members, even if it was just herself.

"No need to worry. With patience and a strong desire to become a painter, I'm sure you can do it. Now say what's on your mind, something you want to express, but never tell anyone. Paint it. Let your fantasy work." Yara said.

Kiran pondered for a moment.

"Give me some time, and then I will try to paint a figure that always looms in my mind." The brush in his hand moved, originally shapeless. Over time, Yara smiled. It's a picture of a Forest that looks mystical but contains charm.

Kiran painted the Whispering Forest, the forest where he played hide and seek when it used to be in Begonia City.

After days, Yara patiently trained Kiran. Yara teaches Kiran how to make a painting actual with the proper lighting and shadow.

"Light and shadow are the most important aspects that can create illusory depth, and dimensionality in realist paintings like this."

From Yara, too, Kiran practised patience and meticulousness to make details in paintings.

"Be patient and meticulous in applying the important details of an illusion, so that the illusion of your painting looks real!"

This week Yara has invited Kiran to paint not only in the studio. They often practice painting realism in open spaces.

For the latest idea, Yara even took Kiran to visit the Hanami Forest to practice making Flower and Peach Tree paintings. Hanami Forest is a forest located in the South of Shanggu City.

"Why should we go to Hanami Forest? While the Miniature Forest, the Cedar and Lotus Flower Forest on the artificial lake of the Magentum Institute, it is no less interesting to be used as an object, right?" Kiran asked.

Yara dodged.

"Well, painting Peach flowers is more interesting. Painting peach blossoms complete with shadows in Hanami Forest will open your horizons in understanding more about the technique of mixing colours.

Colouring is another crucial thing to make a painting come to life." Yara concluded.


The following weekend, Kiran goes with Yara to the Peach forest. He misses the routine of having fun with Lila and two friends, visiting Alphaworks.

Meanwhile, the deadline for the duel against Jasper, the Pyromancer's son, was only a week away. Kirain has to go deeper to create the perfect actual painting, a technique he will apply in illusion magic.

Hanami Forest is a forest where trees with gorgeous peach blossoms grow wild. People rarely visit this forest because the Moonfire Clan – The werewolf clan lives there in the heart of the forest.

The two Magentum Institute students, sitting on the outskirts of the forest with canvas and paint, poured the results of their observations onto a blank canvas.

Now and then, Kiran asks for advice.

"Are my shadows and lighting adequate?"


"This painting has looked real, doesn't it?"

And Yara patiently gave him input. That makes Kiran's paintings now have more realistic details.

Both of them were immersed in busyness, forgetting that dusk was about to fall. Suddenly...

The atmosphere in the Hanami forest was suddenly disturbed. At that time, Kiran and Yara simultaneously heard the sound of an explosion.


The ground trembled, followed by a scorched smell wafted out. Beaming from where the explosion came from, flying with the wind. Cold feet. Snapping sounds were heard. It seemed to be a person who was fighting.

Kiran and Yara stared at each other. "Pyromancer!"

Fear and horror.

"Shall we go to watch the commotion?" Kiran whispered. The boy was fond of watching commotions, let alone the battles of these Pyromancer-like experts.

Yara shook her head. The whisper was stiff.

"It was the sound of an explosion, a magic battle using fire. Two Pyromancers are fighting."

But Kiran was still curious.

And Yara forbade it anyway. Girls kept shaking their heads and whispering.

"If we go even deeper, it means that it has crossed the boundary of the Moonfire Clan's fiefdom-the werewolf clan."

These words made Kiran come to his senses. "Werewolf?"

Kiran hesitated. His desire was so great to watch his fellow Pyromancers fight. But on the one hand, He was also afraid. In the heart of the Hanamai Forest, a clan has its own rules - the Moonfire Clan, werewolves. It is said that they do not hesitate to kill if someone lurks and spies on their clan.


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