Hatred in the Cafeteria.

Cosmia gradually gathered the last of her energy, managed to let out a terrifying scream, and then declared herself defeated.

"I concede defeat! That youngster is a wizard of demons. Following that, Cosmia started crying.

Seeing Cosmia sitting and crying unceasingly caused a stir. Inside the arena, there was silence.

Nobody experienced the suffering Cosmia did. Due to the delusion that poor Cosmia had, no one witnessed the occurrence with the severed hands and melting blood. What is obvious is that Cosmia's expression and the horror face are both filled with fear. And that clarifies what the Fey girl went through during Kiran's strike using illusion.

Cosmia covered her eyes with two hands as the Healer's energy approached to take her up and carry her on a stretcher. She refrained from looking at Kiran's straight posture as she stood on stage.

Cosmia even remained on the treatment room bed for days while receiving medical attention from the top Healer at the Magentum Institute. The gir
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