In Shanggu City Opera House.

In the late afternoon, like now, one can still see the silhouette of the sun on the eastern horizon. When the light swallowed Shanggu City, the rays were dyed golden yellow and brought the warmth of the afternoon sun.

The dance party planned and organized by Justice Banegi will begin at 7 p.m. when it gets dark outside. Choosing the best hour for such a party, obviously, will be pretty close to the preparation of luxurious decorations of beautiful lamps that will be placed to boast the celebration. Even though rumors blow, there will be a fireworks display at the end of the celebration of the party.

Almost everyone in Shanggu City is talking about the lavish party that was supposed to be held at the Shanggu City Opera House – which is located next door to the official residence of Mr. Justice Banegi.

Kiran is seen waiting for Lila, who promised to meet him in the main foyer of the Institute, to head together to the venue of the dance. The two have agreed. Lila will accompany Kiran as
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