Reprimand and Promise

Kiran noticed a change in the atmosphere within the teacher's lounge of the Azure Escape Spirit Ship. If he was outside, it was evident that he felt like an airship being tossed around, not to mention the wind gusts that messed up his hair.

Everything felt different inside the room, which was too little to be called the teacher's room. There was no coldness, no trembling like while on the deck. The area was dimly lit, with magic stones glowing a dusk-like yellow in a few corners. It was strange but not frightful.

Kiran noticed right away that the room was heated. The sound of music, akin to the flute blowing, sounded intriguing, and the sound of water gurgled like a tiny stream. Given that Master Huan Li was a water-bender, this made sense. He was near the element of water, of course, and he set up an environment that was ideal for learning magic.

As Kiran got closer, she saw that the flute was emanating from a little box with a statue of a young girl playing a flute on top of it. The
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