Three Rogues.

Night in the Sky of North Zanam City looks full of stars scattered in the sky. There is not the slightest cloud on the horizon. The moon appears round with halos, making it as far as the eye can see on this vast grass plain; everything is visible.

Kiran first draws on the energy he sees around him. He then formed that illusion, the wall of the Amenity Motel, dry grass in a vast field behind the motel. He completed the details of the shrub trees around the Amenity Motel.

"This looks perfect, doesn't it?" inner Kiran as he walked with a veil of illusion.

On the empty land behind the Amenity Motel &; Bar, he saw the young man leaning against the motel kitchen door. It was Juma, the male bartender at the Bar. Juma exhaled the nicotine smoke he inhaled from the pipe – killing the cold of the night.

The occasional sound of night animals sounded, evoking a lonely foreign feeling.

Kiran patted Juma on the shoulder - taking the youngster by surprise. "Have you been waiting for a long time?" He
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