Xavier slouched on his seat, his left hand clutching a glass of Bourbon. Beside him was one of his trusted security men, looking through the security footage of the past three nights. "I still can't find anything," the man said, shaking his head.

Sighing, Xavier nodded at the man that stood beside him, "You said there was someone here to see me?" He asked, his tone a little dull and resigned.

The man nodded and bent down to whisper something into his ears. Xavier nodded and asked them to send in the visitor.

It was a man dressed in a cloak and thick boots that walked in. He wore a hard look on his face and didn't smile as he walked in. "Is this Professor Xavier's estate?" He asked and Xavier nodded, looking at him warily.

The man pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to Xavier but the security man stood up and intercepted, taking the file instead. "It was meant for the professor's eyes alone," the strange man said, glaring at the security man.

"In case you haven't n
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