Fiona got out of the restroom stall in just a few minutes. She was wiping at her hands profusely with a paper towel then she tossed it in the wastebin that was at the side of the restroom hall.

"Thank you so much Elsa, I really needed something other than that strong alcohol, I was beginning to feel really tipsy," Fiona confessed.

The blonde lady - who Leon was just realizing that her name was Elsa - handed the glass to Fiona with a smile on her face, urging her to drink, "I've got you, baby girl, I know just what you need," She said with a smile.

But just as Fiona was about to lift the glass to her lips, Leon walked into the restroom. "Don't drink it!" He snapped her.

Also was the first person to react once she noted that she had been interrupted and it was indeed a man standing in the hall of the female restroom. "What kind of psychopaths are you?!" Elsa yelled in shock at seeing him.

Fiona almost jumped out of her skin before she relaxed and noticed that it was only
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