Chapter 99

Logan, who hadn't said anything since and was watching everything unfold noticed his father start to panic and break out in sweats.

He knew there was no such thing as a contract and that his father was lying about the marriage. He couldn't watch his dad get caught and ridiculed for lying, so he decided to jump in and do something fast.

Damson was about to ask about the contract papers again when Logan quickly spoke up.

"I'm not sure I've done a proper introduction of myself and I doubt you know me." He said, making all eyes turn to him. I know this whole marriage idea came as a shock and you weren't expecting it. Trust me, we all weren't expecting it."

"My name is Logan and I'm the heir to my father's company. I'm just a couple years older than you and the fact that you're running a company as big as Stellarcorp is huge and I'm envious. I really need to learn from you. He added, with a fake smile.

Logan lied. As soon as he found out Damson was really the president of Stellarcorp
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