Avina> "Mystic Art First Form Force Push"
The tip of the sword was only a pinch away from Avina's neck when suddenly Meng Jia was sent flying away, Meng Jia instantly reacted by crossing her two hands together in a defensive form, her back hit the wall and she fell to the floor
Guo Zhelan> what technique was that, I have never heard of it before
Paton> same here it is not a skill used by players
Gelios> it is a skill created by her, she manipulates the surrounding energy to her favor and what she did right now is coat herself in that energy then when the opponent made contact with her the force acted like some kind of polar magnet causing her to be blown away, honestly I do not fully understand the scope of the ability all I know is it is a very powerful and unique ability that is limited only to her, I tried copying it once and I failed, in the end what I used was just brute force and not the ability.
Guo Zhelan> created a skill? My admiration for her is soaring high "that is if it is really true she did it".
Meng Jia> so you are starting to take this seriously, as a form of respect I will do the same as well
"Lightning Sword Arts Wave Slash", Meng Jia swings her sword left and right and light shaped slash appeared going after Avina but Avina uses her Scythe to cut down the slash while moving further back, "Lightning Sword Arts Vanishing double slash", Avina got hit by an invisible something but she was able to hold her ground and not fall, "Mystic Art Dark Devour", a hole appeared in Avina's front and sucks in the incoming slashes, "Mystic Art Replicate" a new hole appears and pours out the slashes doubled in numbers, "Lightning Sword Art Split", Meng Jia swings her sword vertically and a powerful wave blew away the incoming slash.
Guo Zhelan> hey they might really destroy your house so should we not be stopping them like right now
Barrett> no way not when it is getting to the climax
Rai> true, I also want to see what the outcome will be
Gelios> not to worry, my house is firmly built and not even a tonardo from the highest cultivator can bring it down but you are right we should stop them now, the only problem is Avina looks like she is enjoying herself so if I were to interfere she is definitely going to give me an earful, on that case one of you should go
Paton> to think miss angel could last this long against someone of a higher cultivation base is really astonishing
Avina places her hand on the floor "Mystic Art Shock", Meng Jia felt that something was coming for her from the ground, she could not see it but she knew there was something so she jumped really high and seconds later the ground Meng Jia was standing on exploded a wave of strong wind, Meng Jia in midair brandishes her sword and uses an art "Lightning Sword Art Link Spin Stab", her sword forward with her body in a laying position, she starts to spin in midair and the sword serving as a guide aimed at Avina, Meng Jia 's body that is still spinning in a circular form blends with the shape of the sword and goes after Avina. Avina takes on a stance with her left leg backward, her right leg forward, her two hands on the Scythe ready to swing it at the incoming Sword shaped Meng Jia, the two of them were about to intercept with their weapons in front but were stopped with Guo Zhelan coming in between them.
Guo Zhelan> I think we can all agree that you both are strong and could keep this up all day but sadly enough we do not have all day to spare so if you would please stop and just reconcile
Avina and Meng Jia retracks their form and stands straight,
Avina> (clears throat) you are right how about a truce (she brings her right hand forward)
Meng Jia> what are you doing
Avina> what you mean the hand, Gelios told me it is a sign of seeking for a pact of friendship
Meng Jia> I see
She also puts her left hand forward and accepts Avina's hand, Avina then runs over to Gelios
Avina> hey I just made my first new friend now is that not pretty cool
Gelios> I do not get it, just earlier you were both going at each other's throat with the intention of hurting yourselves but now she suddenly becomes your friend like where is the pattern
Avina> you will never get it, sparing with you made me feel like I hit a dead end in my growth especially when you hold back against me I do not feel myself progressing at all but not anymore, with her I can feel my growth building itself back up so if I can be friends with her then she will be my sparing partner it is a win win situation
Gelios> well you do whatever is going to make you happy (she acts so mature that sometimes I forget I am actually the older one so seeing her like this is refreshing in its own way).
Guo Zhelan> so how was it
Meng Jia> she is good, other the the Grand Patriarch, the Patriarch, you and that monster over there I never thought I could come across someone able to go against me but she turned that thought around, she will definitely make for a good rival that is why i think you are right, it is a good idea to make friends with them and if we are also somehow able to convince them to join our Sect, with them our power will soar like never before, hmmm was that your intention all along
Guo Zhelan> no!!! do not give me that much praise I am not such a shredded schemer, but now that you mention it we can bring it up to them and ask their opinion of it, I am sure the Grand Patriarch would not mind having people like them in the Sect.
Related Chapters
The Sun Primordial Invitation
Gelios> so you are saying you want us to join your SectThis people must have been really impressed with Avina's skills to extend a recruitment offer to usGuo Zhelan> yes that is what we just said, if you agree, we will give you a position of an elder and the girl will be immediately promoted to being a Core disciple and on top of that we will provide high grade elixers for the miss here while you will be payed fifty thousand gold gem as your monthly wageBarrett> oiy!!!! Is this not cheating, what kind of an unfair situation is this, when we came into this world we had to work everyday and in a month all we get is one hundred silver gem and even after becoming a collector the highest our monthly wage amounts to is two hundred gold gem, and you are now offering him fifty thousand gold gems without doing anything like what the heckRai> such is the ways of the cultivator, only the strong are favored while the weak are neglected so if you think it is unfair then try getting strongerPa
The Sun Primordial The Lightning Sword Sect
We had to fly all the way over to the Sect, it was really surprising to me when I heard that the cultivators cannot use teleportation, I mean it just does not add up when they spend almost their entire lifetime cultivating and are still unable to use one of the easiest transportation spell, I asked the guy why they were unable to use it and the response he gave to me was " a technique like that involves manipulating the very existence of space and nature, twisting it to heed to our demands, it requires a very large amount of Qi to bend the very laws of nature and using a large amount of Qi just to transport yourself to a different location will most likely leave the person vulnerable due to the sudden output of Qi, that is why most cultivators refrained from using it and instead prefers flying, and eventually the knowledge of the technique became lost to the world, we do believe that the cultivators that have ascended to the next world are capable of using it". He makes a good point
The Sun Primordial Hijacked By Bandits
About a month has passed since my initiation into the Sect and I have to say there is not much of a difference to it when compared to the life I had before , the only difference is I do not have Avina coming to wake me up for breakfast like she does before since we both live in different buildings now.When I got to the Sect I was introduced to the disciples as the third elder of the Sect, I had the whole members laughing at my height you know but I brushed them off since none of them is worth my time, the only reason I signed up for this is because of the trial activation but if I keep on going like this then I might not be able to activate it so that is why I decided to invest my time in the business operations I entered into with Su Ning, the income from the sales of the elixers and pills was more than I had imagined like I was not expecting a result like that at all, it was more than I accounted for, if it continues on like this then I can predict having a wealth that can last me
The Sun Primordial Where Is The Hideout
Paton> you want the information about the Silent Alcott's hideout, and what exactly makes you think I have thatGelios> because that is your line of business and like I was told the Whale gang was in charge of keeping the Silent Alcott in check so of course you would know where their is hideout come on guys do I look stupid enough to not be able to piece the cracks together, my brain works eons faster than the average person so figuring out something like this is a piece of cake to mePaton> "sigh" guess there is no lying to you, yes I do know their hideout but there is also a reason why we let them be instead of taking them down, like I told you before that the Silent Alcott are a group affiliated with the Black Ghost Sect so taking them on isGelios> yeah!!! You have said it before, no use repeating yourself I know how powerful the Black Ghost Sect isPaton> no you do not understand, if you really know the kind of threat they pose you would not talk like that, this is a warning Geli
The Sun Primordial Dealing with the Silent Alcott
Rai> here we areHe teleported me to a valley region filled with nothing but caves but I am instantly able to discern which cave the bandits are inRai> can you also feel it, this is the reason why we decided against confronting the Silent AlcottGelios> that is a good choice, with the radiation of mana fluctuating from inside the cave brings about the possibility of a strong player, it is like the whole cave is built with manaRai> that is why we refrained from getting too involved with them, although we have yet to have intimate contact but from the few evidence we have managed to gather it led us into believing that the Silent Alcott is an organization with a player in its midst, what we do not know is if the player is the leader of the gang or just a high ranking member, there are also other speculations like the Black Ghost Sect being run by a player and distributing the Dungeon to every lower organization under them to boost their combat power with the hybrids, this are all just
The Sun Primordial The Chimera
The chimera is a field boss monster with a lot of exp drops, it is also known as the newbie crusher as it stomps any newbie it comes across, giving such a monster to a group of bandits is a crazy idea that made me wonder just what is going on in that players mind.The Chimera kept staring at me as if it is trying to study my nature or is it perhaps wary of me, monsters are natural born predators who rely mostly on instinct as a proud race of the wild, seeing as how this monster is not just blindly attacking me must mean it's instinct is constantly alarming it, not that I can be sure of it since I do not speak monster "hey what are you doing I said kill him" the bandit leader kept on bugging the chimera as he heightens his control over it, the chimera finally began moving as it breathes out a dark substance from its middle head, I evade it by moving sideways but the chimera does not stop there, it uses the breathe to trace my movements, if I move left it goes left and if I move right
The Sun Primordial Preparation for the Trial
Paton> you were able to successfully activate the trial, so what exactly triggered itGelios> I do not know, all I did was bust the bandits group, and killed a chimera then the trial notification popped upPaton> so in the end the condition for activation is going to remain a mystery but moving on to you, what do you plan on doingGelios> of course I am going to take the trialPaton> well in that case you had better say your goodbye's firstGelios> what do you mean say my goodbye, it is not like I am going to die or anything like that right?Paton> not die, like we said we cannot give you facts of what the trial will be about since it was different for each of us, but what we do know is that it is going to take some time to complete it for me it took about two months while the other two were less than three weeks to complete and during those moments all contacts with the outside world will be cut off, I recon it is due to the class difference and you hold a special class making it har
The Sun Primordial Gelios And Avina
Gelios> here we are, so where do you want to goAvina> you brought me out here so you decideGelios> in that case how about a restaurant, we have yet to taste the food of this worldAvina> what are you talking about, the Sect provides food for usGelios> no not that, you see the Sect is a high class establishment not a local one so for sure they are going to put unnecessary stuff in their cooking to elevate where it came from, to truly know how a place food tastes like you need to visit the origin which is a restaurant and I do not mean the high class ones am talking of the local restaurants.From the city gates we headed to the nearest local pub, a medium sized shop with a single floor, we entered through the unguarded front door and surveyed for any empty seats which luckily there was, we sat down and a male waiter with a fifteen year old looks, trimmed hair and dressed in a black pants with a long sleeve blue roundneckWaiter> good evening, what would you like to haveGelioz> we wa
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Beginning Of Wrath
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Black Ghost Sect Invasion 8
Kyva> my lady what have you doneAvina> what do you mean what have I done, do not pin this on me, after all you are the weapon that destroyed the sectKyva> my lady that is not true, my attack is not to this level, the QI you added is what made it worseAvina> then you should have stopped me from using itKyva> how was I supposed to know you were going to unleash that much powerAvina> "sigh" you know what let us just blame the black ghost members, if they did not attack us in the first place then all this would not have happenedKyva> ummm, my lady the black ghost's are not the ones who pushed you into destroying the Sect, it is your decision and fault so you should take responsibilityAvina> oh so we are pointing fingers nowKyva> no my lady what I mean isAvina> it is okay, I understand what you are trying to say.But looking at it I really did over do it, the splitted Sect is collapsing to the ground with the disciples taking refuge in midair and the ones unable to fly are holding
Black Ghost Sect Invasion 7
The loss of the Grand Patriarch and the Patriarch is a huge blow to the Sect members, unlike them I have no attachment nor do I feel remorseful for their deaths since I have yet to make contact with them which is why I can not sympathize with the disciples nor do I fully understand what they are going through right now, but what I know for sure is that their deaths alone should not be enough or serve as an excuse to cripple their resolve of defending the Sect, infact I felt that it should fan their anger towards the ones that killed their leaders, seeing them giving up their will to fight is seriously disappointing and Meng Jia also losing herself to rage and blindly going after someone stronger than her without making out some sort of strategy is something I do not agree with, what she should have done is to maintain her composure and encourage the Sect members to not give up or order them to retreat and flee for their lives, it is either of those choices but she went with the one th
Black Ghost Sect Invasion 6
Ghost reached out his right hand to disperse the Whale shaped Aura that was heading towards him, at the same time he stretched his left hand backwards and held unto the hand that was holding a kunai close to his neck, he threw the person he was holding up against the axe that was aiming at him from above and grabbed the fist of the Grand Patriarch who has already made his way to him, the ghost then used the grand patriarch to shield himself against the floating swords that accompanied the grand patriarch but the swords diverted their attention away from the grand patriarch as they made a u turn and aimed for the back of ghostGhost> your puny tricks are starting to annoy me, shall we put an end to it nowHe thrust his left hand straight into the grand patriarch's heart and ripped it out before tossing away the cold body of the grand patriarch. The moment he ripped out the heart all the floating swords disappeared and the members of the lightning sword Sect fell on their knees in sadne
Black Ghost Sect Invasion 5
"How disappointing, so very disappointing" to think that this is what the grand patriarch of the mightiest Sect in the light faction is capable of is truly a letdown". Ghost keeps on taunting the grand patriarch with his words as he evades every of the grand patriarch's moves, the scene is like an adult playing tag with a child while telling the child catch me if you can.Ghost> I was a fool to expect some form of entertainment from you, but I never could have thought that you would be this pathetic, you stand to prove me right that hybrids are indeed stronger than you so called cultivators, even after cultivating your whole life this is the least you amount to a pitiful useless old manGrand Patriarch> do you fight with your mouth or your sword Ghost> you are not worthy enough to make me draw my sword and my fist is too precious to smear your face withGrand Patriarch> do not overestimate yourself boy, I merely want to capture you alive to make you pay for the humiliation you have